Page 5 - Del Nido #3
P. 5
call. We don't want you to not call security if you need it, but just be aware that if it is just for your own
personal reason, then we will charge you their service call fee if it's appropriate. It's better to get the
help than be worried you might have to pay the service call fee so don't let this be a reason you don't
call if you do indeed need help.
We realize the laundry rooms get warm, but when the rocks are used to prop open the door, it dam-
ages the door. We've added door stops to the doors so please use those instead of rocks and close
the door when you leave.
A new issue we are experiencing lately is that by using clorox tabs in your toilet tanks, it's causing unu-
sual wear and tear on the rubber elements inside the tank such as the flapper, flush handle, and fill
tubes/valves. We are requesting that you refrain from using the clorox or other bleach tabs in your toi-
let tanks. Also, using the blue non bleach tabs is against the rules as well. I'd suggest using those stick
-on gummy tabs inside the toilet bowl, not inside the tank where the toilet guts are located.
The City of Modesto now has a bulky item pickup service once a month, but it has to be sched-
uled through us, your property manag-
er. If you would like to dispose of any
large items, please let our office know the
exact details of what you are discarding
and we'll let you know when you can put it
out on the curb and what the exact rules
are. A huge pile of trash in front of the
Apartments will be hideous, so we have
to do it 100% correctly, otherwise the Cit-
ty will not pick up any of it.. Once you
know what you are discarding, please call
us at 209-576-0878 or email at, or write us a note and deliver to us, and
we will get your items on the approved list.
If we don’t answer leave a message and we’ll call you back. Certain items are allowed and other items
are not allowed:
We are experiencing a problem with roof rats chewing on the water lines in the attic. The rea-
son this is happening is because somewhere someone is putting out rodent bait which causes
the rodents to die via dehydration, and they start chewing through the hard plastic water
lines. We have been proactively searching for any areas of access for any rodents, and one
rodent can cause a lot of damage. Please, if you see any rodent, do not put out Decon or any
other poison. Let us know so we can have pest control or our staff trap rodents to kill them so
they won't chew on our plumbing.