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How older adults can beat

                                the holiday blues

         | UCI Health

         \Around the holidays, many Americans find them-      ontology at the UCI School of Medicine.
         selves mired in feelings of sadness and even depres-
         sion, especially older adults who may be coping with   “Depression affects 30% to 40% of older adults hos-
         the loss of loved ones, their independence or beloved   pitalized with an acute condition like a heart attack or
         traditional celebrations.                            stroke, and 50% of those who are transitioning to
                                                              nursing homes,” she adds.

         COVID-19 is still somewhat complicating matters for   Holidays can trigger sadness, depression
         a third holiday season, but there are things seniors
         can do to beat the holiday blues. For one thing, it's   Many people tend to feel the loss of friends and fami-
         important to understand how you are feeling and      ly intensely during the holidays.
         know that there is help.
                                                              “We do see an increase in depression during this
         About 10% of U.S. adults suffer from depression,     time for various reasons,” Perera says. “Added to the
         says geriatrician Dr. Manisha Perera, who sees pa-   stresses of daily life, the holidays create pressure on
         tients at the UCI Health SeniorHealth Center in Or-  our time, finances and expectations of what the holi-
         ange. Among seniors, that number can be much         days should be.”
                                                              The impact of the pandemic has made things worse,
                                                              preventing people — especially older adults — from
         “Between 20% to 25% of older adults with chronic
         medical conditions, which are common among sen-      visiting friends and family, as well as closing other
         iors, are depressed,” says Perera, who also is       avenues of social interaction such as churches and
         an assistant professor of geriatric medicine and ger-  senior centers.
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