Page 3 - December 2022 newsletter copy 1
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Many people had been expecting an improvement in ing strategies from a psychologist, clergy member or
social interactions with the arrival of COVID-19 vac- other trusted physician."
cinations after the restrictions of the last 21 months.
Beating the holiday blues
“We are ready to leave all that behind, but many old-
er adults are concerned about what this holiday sea- Try taking a proactive approach to staving off the holi-
son and winter will bring,” she says. “Fear over the day blues and improving your physical and mental
new and highly contagious delta and omicron vari- health, Perera suggests.
ants, combined with disagreements about vaccina-
tion or COVID-19 precautions can also elevate stress Here are some strategies to consider:
and anxiety.”
Resolve to make the best of the holidays but adjust your
Symptoms to watch for expectations and adopt realistic goals.
Plan to visit relatives and friends, while taking precau-
All these things can contribute to feeling low and de- tions to protect your health.
pressed. It may be time to seek help if you are expe- Reach out to family
riencing any of these
common symptoms: and friends through vid-
eo calls, letters, holiday
Feeling so down cards, emails and phone
you can’t shake it off calls.
Too little or too Eat the right diet for
much sleep, or inter- your medical condition.
ruptions through the Take a walk or just
night get outside for some
fresh air, in addition to
Changes in appe-
regular physical activity.
tite, eating more or
Consider exploring a
less than usual
new activity or hobby,
Difficulty concen-
or teach someone else a
craft you’re skilled at.
Lack of interest in the things that typically make you
Consider volunteering to help others who need help.
Limit screen time. A constant diet of bad news can cre-
ate a high-level of anxiety that people may not even realize
Lack of interest in socializing or engaging with others they’re experiencing.
Perera recommends reaching out to your primary "These are examples of small changes and connec-
care provider to discuss any of these symptoms. She tions you can make that, over time, will make a differ-
also advises calling 911 if you or someone you care ence in your outlook and overall health," says Perera.
for is experiencing a loss of interest in living or is
harming themselves. Your holidays may look different, they can still be
When mourning the loss of a loved one, some peo-
ple talk about their feelings with friends and other "Even if the holidays aren’t what you’d like them to be,
you are not alone," she adds. "Hold your memories
loved ones. Others prefer to keep their sorrow to them- close but try to embrace new ways to celebrate and
most importantly, be kind to yourself."
"Everyone grieves differently," she says. "But if you are
feeling overwhelmed, reach out for counseling and cop-