Page 5 - December 2022 newsletter copy 1
P. 5

This Month we will explore and
                                                                               discover some of UNESCO’s greatest
                                                                               World Heritage Sites   We will visit
                                                                               Africa, India, The Middle East and
                                                                               Latin America.  The 6-part series will
                  (United Nations Educational,                                 continue in January 2023
            Scientific and Cultural Organization)

                Cambridge historian Sir Christopher Clark joins the UNESCO World Heritage Sites
                           and explores the places of special beauty created by humans.

                                              A World Heritage Site
                                              is a natural or cultural site
                                              that demonstrates influence
                                              or significance in a global
                                              context (i.e., has
                                              “Outstanding Universal Val-
                                              ue”), and has been inscribed
                                              on the World Heritage List by
        Wednesday Dec  7th  6:30 PM                                             Wednesday Dec  14th  6: 30 PM
                                              the United Nations Educa-
        In this episode of “Planet of Treas-  tional, Scientific, and Cultural   On this journey presenter, Christo-
        ures” presenter, Christopher Clark    Organization's (UNESCO)           pher Clark visits highlights of the
        travels the African continent,        World Heritage Committee.         diverse and historic UNESCO World
        known as the cradle of humankind,                                       Heritage Sites in India and tries to

        and bearing witness to this long and   SADLY                            answer the question as to what
        diverse past. His journey leads him   So many of you at Amber           unites the 1,4 billion people on the
        to Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tan-   Lights don’t take advantage       subcontinent. His path leads him
        zania                                                                   from the holy Hindu city of Varanasi
                                              of these outstanding fun and
                                                                                to Mumbai.
                                              educational events.  Those of
                                              us who attend are astounded
                                              by what we don’t know. We
                                              don’t know because so many
                                              of these sites that we learn
                                              about have only been
                                              discovered and unearthed in
                                              the last 20 years or so.

       Wednesday Dec  21st  6:30 PM           This 6 part series will take us   Wednesday Dec  7th  6:30 PM
                                              on a tour of some of the his-
       “Planet of Treasures” visits famous    toric sites of the world that     Latin America is coined by the
       UNESCO World Heritage Sites in         are worthy of being a             meeting of the Old and New World.
       Iran and Jordan. The Old World and                                       Here you find the legacy of pre-
       the orient are the cradles of civiliza-  UNESCO World Heritage Site      Columbian advanced civilizations,
       tion and the origin of many reli-      and what they are                 colonial architecture, and the beau-
       gions. Presenter Christopher Clark     doing to preserve and             ty of nature.  Presenter Christopher
       travels through Jordan and follows     protect them.   In January we     Clark follows the tracks of early ad-
       old trading routes via Persepolis to   will visit Europe & South East    vanced civilizations in Palenque and
       Isfahan in Iran.                       Asia.                             Teotihuacan.
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