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Quotes and insight from some of our most informed citizens

            Our motivation for the formation of Red Tie Arts is summed up in the following quotes:

            “Students who have an arts rich experience in school do better across–the-board academically, and they
            also become more active and engaged citizens, voting, volunteering, and generally participating at high-
            er rates than their peers.”

            —Rocco Landesman,

            Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts.

            “Music education opens doors that help children pass from school into the world around them—a world
            of work, culture, intellectual activity, and human involvement.  The future
            of our nation depends on providing our children with a
            complete education that includes music.”

            —Gerald Ford,
            Former President of the United States

            “My background is in arts education and we know, absolutely for a fact, that there is no better way for
            kids to learn critical thinking skills, communication skills, things like empathy and tolerance. This is true
            across every boundary, across cultural boundaries, across socioeconomic, it's a great leveler in terms of
            unifying our world.”

            —Emma Walton Hamilton
            Children's book author, theatrical director, and actress

            One of the important lessons we’ve learned is that all successful youth arts programs do three things:
            first, they provide positive adult role models; second, they give youth the opportunity for achievement
            and, ultimately, recognition for this achievement; and, third, they enable youth to interact with people
            who have healthy beliefs and consistent standards for behavior. Programs designed to achieve these
            outcomes are best able to provide the opportunity that youth need to develop positive behaviors.

            —Borrowed from the Americans for the Arts website
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