Page 5 - Sponsor brochure
P. 5

Here we go…                                         class percussionist.  We put him in a lesson plan
                                                                Percussion instructor David Hawkes, this was our
                                                                “Ground Zero,” our starting point
            Even though we, the founders,  have been produc-
            ing concerts for 28 years to enhance the quality
            of life in our area, the Red Tie Kids scholarship pro-  Let the funding begin
            gram was instituted in 2017
                                                                Our goal is to raise adequate funding through our
            We are bringing our expertise in music presentation   concert profits, sponsors, donors and advertisers to
            to assist in funding  underserved kids who show     provide individual scholarships and grants to make
                                                                a significant difference in the children’s artistic lives
            talent, determination, and promise in the arts.   We
            began with the Sylvan School District in Modes-     as well as to enhance the arts and culture of our
                                                                community. After production costs, all of the profits
            to  where we had enlisted the assistance of several
                                                                go directly toward the children's’ programs.  We
            of the music teachers and the District Superinten-
            dent to assist with development of criteria to iden-  are an all-volunteer non profit organization.
            tify students who may otherwise never have a
                                                                So, this is where you come in:
            chance to truly develop into accomplished
            artists.  This in initial process became our guideline
                                                                Whether you are a patron, or you become a
            for identifying children who are eligible for grant
                                                                “Presenter,” a “Sponsor,” or someone who makes
            funding.  Most student referrals come directly from
            their arts instructors. Other students come to the   a donation,  know full-well that your kindness is
                                                                appreciated both by RTA and our students alike. it
            program through other non-profit organizations
                                                                will appreciated more than you will ever know.
            and private contacts.
                                                                I once used the phrase regarding donations
            The process for scholarship consideration
                                                                 “Give until it hurts” and a friend corrected the
            includes:                                           phrase to “Give until it feels good.”  So much
                     Talent promise                             better.
                     Instrument devotion
                     Family financial situation                 Who we are
                     Desire to excel
            Our organization can provide support                Red Tie Arts presents national and international
                                                                acts in small intimate settings as well as a larger
            including the following:
                                                                summer concert series.  The recipients of our kids

                                                                scholarships will have free access to these offering
                     Private one-on-one music/arts lessons as
                                                                as may be beneficial to their education.  On occa-
                   the determined at the interview process.     sion, we might be able to arrange for a child to “sit
                    Instruments, (outright purchase or rental)
                                                                in” with the band.
                    In some instances,  travel expenses for
                         performances.                          Founders Jerry Cooper and John Griswold have
                    Other considerations that may be required.
                                                                been working together and presenting music from
                                                                the early days of the reincarnation of the historic
            Although, at the moment we are concentrating on     State Theatre. (1994)  Founded as a performance
            music, our plans are to expand into other art forms
                                                                venue in Modesto;  Jerry as the volunteer coordina-
            such as dance, theater, visual art, and possibly even   tor, and John as the director. Their shared love of
            literary arts as our coffers and funding grows.
                                                                music, and their desire to help enhance the quality
                                                                of life while expanding the music and art scene in
            Let the education begin.
                                                                Modesto for the past 28 years has led to the for-
                                                                mation of Red Tie Arts with the purpose and goal
            RTA's program began in the Fall 2017.  The board    of...
            and officers of RTA had identified first, a child who
                                                                “Exploring, Celebrating,  and  Supporting the Arts.”
            showed great promise and desire to be a world
                                                                              A 501(c)(3) California Corp
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