Page 3 - March 2019 Lakewood Edge
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Cal Coast Termitez


        by Jesse Ocampo, Cal Coast Termite & Pest Inc.  dead wood on trees or lumber from southern  continues inward for a short distance. It then
                                             yellow pine, white pine, California redwood,  turns sharply upward and runs in the same
              arpenter  bees build nests in wood,  cedar, Douglas fir, cypress, mimosa, mulberry,  direction as the grain of the wood. The female
              creating galleries that  can weaken  ash and pecan trees. They avoid most hard  provisions the galleries by inserting a ball of
        C structures; however, they rarely cause  woods. The presence of carpenter bees around  pollen on which an egg is laid. Live prey,
        severe damage. People may be frightened by  buildings and wood structures can be annoying  such  as  insects  or  spiders,  are  not  used.  The
        carpenter bees because of their large size, their  or even frightening; however males cannot  female then closes the cell by placing a mass of
        similarity to bumble bees, and their annoying  sting and females rarely attack.   wood pulp in the gallery. A series of cells are
        noise.                                  Carpenter bees resemble large bumble bees,  constructed as the bee works backward, out of
           Most carpenter bees, are large and robust  but have very different nesting behavior. They  the gallery.
        insects resembling bumble bees. They are  bore long tunnels into wood, and divide these   Females often enlarge existing galleries or
        usually about 1 inch long and colored a metallic  tunnels into cells where individual larvae will  use old ones, so very complex gallery systems
        blue-black with green or purplish reflections.  develop. While several females may be nesting  can be developed over a number of years. These  and pupae develop in the closed cells in early
        They differ from bumble bees in that their  in wood of the same structure or other site,  galleries are often made in the siding or window  summer. Adult bees emerge in late summer and
        abdomen is shiny with fringes of hairs on some   each is acting in a solitary fashion, as these are  trim of homes, and in such cases the structural  return to the same tunnels to hibernate for the
        segments. Males of some species are lighter   non-social bees.            strength of tunneled timbers may be reduced.   winter months. In the spring, the adults mate
        colored, ranging into golden or buff hues.   The common eastern species,  X virginica   Carpenter bee nests are usually not difficult  and the females lay eggs, completing the cycle.
           Carpenter bees cause damage to wooden   (Linnaeus), resembles many of the bumble  to  locate.  Some  of  the  more  common  sites   The abandoned nests of carpenter bees are
        structures by boring into timbers and siding   bees closely enough that it is often confused on  chosen within buildings include siding, eaves,  frequently infested by any number of secondary
        to prepare nests. The nests weaken structural   casual observation. This carpenter bee is black  wooden shakes, porch ceilings, window sills  pests, including dermestid beetles, dried fruit
        wood and leave unsightly holes and stains on   in color and marked with areas of yellow hair,  and doors. They will also nest in telephone  moths and other scavengers that will feed on
        building  surfaces.  Second,  undecayed wood   but the dorsal sides of the abdominal segments  poles, fence railings or posts, and even in lawn  unused pollen and nectar. Certain wasps, ants
        without paint or bark is usually selected for   (except for the apparent first segment) have no  furniture.    and bees will also be found in old galleries,
        nests. Carpenter bees also frequently attach to   areas of yellow hair. In bumble bees, at least   Many types of wood are selected for  using them as shelter and nesting sites.*
                                             some of these abdominal segments will have  nesting, but softer woods are preferred.   The best  thing to do when you see
                                             yellow hair on their dorsal surfaces.   Unpainted or well-weathered wood is much  carpenter bees is to have a licensed pest control
                                                Other species of carpenter bees, from other  more susceptible to attack than hardwood or  professional or real estate agent like Allison
                                             genera, may be black, green  or somewhat  well-painted timbers. Another sign to look  Van Wig act as an intermediary and get your
                                             purplish in color, and they are variously marked  for in locating carpenter bee galleries is the  home inspected for any wood destroying insect
                                             with whitish, yellowish or reddish hair. The  yellowish or brownish excrement stains created  activity to preserve the integrity of your home.
                                             dorsal surface of the abdomen is also generally  on the side of the home, below the entrance   Call Cal Coast Termite & Pest today for
                                             bare in these species.               holes to the galleries.              a FREE inspection! 877 NO BUGS 7.     n
                                                The typical carpenter bee gallery has   Carpenter bees complete one generation per
                                             an entrance hole on the wood surface, and  year in most areas of the United States. Tunnels   *Source: Truman’s Scientific Guide to Pest Management 7th Edition
                     Lakewood Market Update - January 2019

                            Current as of February 5, 2019. All data comes from CRMLS. Powered by ShowingTime 10K. Percent changes are calculated using rounded figures.  3
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