Page 8 - March 2019 Lakewood Edge
P. 8

healthy foods

                               W        drink of honey,  and remedies. However, it’s
                                        hether it’s a hot  finding endless obscure herbs

                                       lemon and  brandy,  important to find high-quality
                               or a steaming bowl of chicken  supplements that have these
                               soup, many families have age- immune boosting ingredients
                               old home remedies, passed  that are trending today.”
                               down through the generations,
                               that they still use today when   1. HONEY
                               winter kicks into high gear.   Honey has been used
                               Grandma knew a thing or two  medicinally for thousands
                               about soothing a sore throat,  of years.  Ancient  Egyptians
                               quieting a cough or settling a  used it to treat skin and eye
                               rumbling stomach without a  conditions, and added it to
                               trip to the pharmacy.    their beauty treatments, too.
                                Many of those passed-down  It was so revered that pots of
                               secrets originated in ancient  honey have even been found
                               times, and were implemented  in Egyptian tombs, unspoiled
                               to boost the immune system  after thousands of years.
                               to help fight off bugs before  Today, people tout honey as a
                               they took hold. While some of  superfood and natural remedy
                               those age-old remedies are still  for  many  ailments.  Honey  is
                               in use today, there are some  rich in vitamins B and C, and
                               more modern ways to help  minerals like calcium, iron,
                               support your health.     zinc and more. Manuka honey,
                                “Today, many of us rely on  out of New Zealand, is getting
                               the convenience of vitamins  a lot of attention lately for
                               and supplements to  help  its super beneficial qualities.   HOW ANCIENT INGREDIENTS
                               support our immune systems,  A great way to get it into
                               which is a beautiful thing,”  your diet is with the Swisse
                               says Erin Palinski-Wade,  Vitamin C + Manuka Honey      CAN GIVE YOUR HEALTH
                               RD,  CDE,  and  consultant  to  supplement. It’s a chewable
                               Swisse Wellness. “It’s much  antioxidant that makes it easy       A BOOST TODAY
                               easier than making batches  for you to give your body the
                               of soup from scratch and  benefits of this amazing honey
                                                                                 without needing to keep little  for a powerful combination of  While it’s been around for a
                                                                                 bear-shaped jars of the stuff  immune-supporting effects.   long time, it’s just becoming a
                                                                                 lying around.                                    popular ingredient for wellness
                                                                                                             3. ANDROGRAPHIS      enthusiasts. Boasting a wide
                                                                                      2. ECHINACEA         Another key ingredient  range of benefits useful in
                                                                                  Grown in North America,  in  Swisse’s  Immune  Forte,  winter months, European elder
                                                                                 echinacea, which comes from  andrographis is a plant  is another ancient ingredient
                                                                                 the coneflower, has been part  native to South Asian  that can still be helpful today.
                                                                                 of Native American traditional  countries often used to make   Many of these ingredients
                                                                                 medicine for hundreds of years.  medicine. Andrographis is  still emulate names and
                                                                                 Its use was passed on to pioneers  rich in compounds called  descriptions that aren’t as
                                                                                 and settlers, and became part  andrographolides  (hence  the  common today, but are starting
                                                                                 of their traditional remedies,  name), which are said to  to break out in the approach
                                                                                 too. It has historically been  have anti-inflammatory and  to holistic wellness. We are
                                                                                 reported to support the immune  antioxidant properties.   lucky enough to have access to
                                                                                 system, and today, we know                       high-quality  supplements  that
                                                                                 echinacea to do the  same. You   4. EUROPEAN ELDER  are easy to intake while still
                                                                                 can  find  it  in  liquid  form,  or   To round out Immune Forte,  getting all the benefits of these
                                                                                 in supplements. Swisse Immune  European elder, also known as  incredible ingredients.    n
                                                                                 Forte combines echinacea with  Sambucus nigra, is expected to
                                                                                 elderflower, vitamin C and zinc  be a breakout trend this year.   ©2019

                                                                                                   GREEN BEAN AND MUSHROOM

                                                                                                          SALAD WITH TOASTED
                                                                                                             WALNUT DRESSING


                                                                                                    Preheat the oven to 375 F. Meanwhile, bring a large pot of salted
                                                                                                   water to a boil over high heat. Remove both ends of each green bean,
                                                                                                   snapping them towards the seams and pulling to remove any strings.
                                                                                                   Fill a mixing bowl with ice cubes and water and place it near the sink.
                                                                                                    When the water is boiling, add the green beans. Cook until they are
                                                                                                   al dente, tender but still slightly crisp, 2 to 3 minutes. Drain them in
                                                                                                   the sink and immediately plunge the green beans into the ice water until
                                                                                                   chilled. Drain well on a clean kitchen towel or paper towels.
                                                                                                    With a damp paper towel, wipe the mushrooms clean. Use a small,
                                                                                                   sharp knife to trim off their stem ends. Cut the mushrooms into slices the
                                                                                                   width of the green beans; then, stack the slices and cut into strips about
                                                                                                   the size of the green beans. Put the mushrooms in a mixing bowl and toss
                                                                                                   gently with the lemon juice until coated to prevent discoloration.
                                                                                                    Spread the walnuts in a small pan lined with foil or parchment paper.
                                                                                                   Toast them in the oven until they deepen slightly in color and smell
                                                                                                   aromatic, checking to make sure they don’t burn, about 5 minutes.
                                                                                                   Remove from the oven and set aside to cool.
                                                                                                    Put the walnuts in a blender or food processor with the mustard,
                                        INGREDIENTS                                                vinegar and salt and pepper to taste. Pulse until the walnuts are finely
          •  1 pound small green beans               •  2 tablespoons sherry wine vinegar          chopped; then, with the machine running, drizzle in the oil until a
                                                                                                   smooth, creamy dressing forms.
          •  1 pound large, white cultivated mushrooms  •  Kosher salt
                                                                                                    Put the green beans and mushrooms in a mixing bowl. Add enough
          •  Juice of 1 lemon                        •  Freshly ground black pepper                of the dressing to coat them evenly, tossing the vegetables thoroughly
                                                                                                   but gently; refrigerate any remaining dressing in a covered container for
          •  2 tablespoons walnuts shelled walnuts   •  1/2 cup light vegetable oil such as almond oil  another use.
          •  1 tablespoon Dijon mustard              •  1 tablespoon minced tarragon leaves or chives  To serve, arrange the green bean and mushroom mixture on a serving
                                                                                                   platter or individual plates. Garnish with fresh tarragon or chives, and
                       © 2019 Wolfgang Puck Worldwide, Inc. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.  serve immediately. Serves 6.   n
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