Page 6 - March 2019 Lakewood Edge
P. 6

improvements and updates
                           IN THE HOME

                                GET FIT WITH A HOME GYM

                                by Kathryn Weber         an early morning workout   Having a home gym means    FINDING SPACE       leaning mirror to the opposite
                                                         means having to get dressed  excuses about inconvenience   If you have a spare  wall. This will double up the
                                      he resolutions to lose  for the day at the gym. Good  go away. Plus, with a gym  bedroom,  finding  space  for  light and make your space
                                      weight,  stop  smoking  intentions  aside, having  in your home you’ll be able  your gym is solved. But what  feel  larger and  more  open.
                                Tor cut out sweets is a  a home gym is perfect for  to work out, clean up and  if you don’t have a spare  This is also a great option
                                common goal for each new  anyone who wants to exercise  go about your day without  room for a gym? Basements  if you’re renting and can’t
                                year. But resolutions such as  more, and wants a way to be  having to lug it all in and out  and garages are tempting  make changes to your space.
                                going to the gym can fall  able to do it conveniently and  of a car or wipe down someone  gym spots, but if they’re not  However, if you’re converting
                                by the wayside when the  avoid excuses like the weather  else’s sweat from your favorite  heated or air-conditioned,  a room into a gym, give some
                                thought of heading out for  or inconvenience.     exercise machine.       they could be too cold or too  thought to adding mirror
                                                                                                          hot  to  exercise  comfortably,  on  one  wall.  The  mirror  will
                                                                                                          and that could discourage you  help to keep you motivated
                                                                                                          from exercising. Instead, look  and check your form at the
                                                                                                          for a corner of a room where  same time. Overhead, add a
                                                                                                          you could create a gym space.  track lighting style fixture will
                                                                                                          Once you have your gym site  brighten up your gym area and
                                                                                                          selected, it’s time to outfit it  help you see well.
                                                                                                          for your workouts.          Other ideas for your home
                                                                                                                                   gym include adding a television
                                                                                                            EQUIPPING THE SPACE    so you can watch and ride your
                                                                                                             No matter what type of  exercise bike or run on the
                                                                                                          exercise you prefer, there are  treadmill, for example, or do
                                                                                                          several things you’ll want to do  follow-along exercise videos.
                                                                                                          whether you lift weights, walk  Give your gym some musical
                                                                                                          on a treadmill or do yoga. The  inspiration with Bluetooth
                                                                                                          first  is  to  find  good  flooring.  speakers  so  you  listen to  your
                                                                                                          Look  into  interlocking gym  favorite  workout  playlist and
                                                                                                          mats  that  you  can  use to  keep your motivation up.
                                                                                                          outline your gym or your gym   Add a hook on the wall for
                                                                                                          space. These mats are terrific  a towel and place a basket on
                                                                                                          for almost any type of exercise  the  floor  against  the  wall  to
                                                                                                          and will give your feet and gym  store clean towels and other
                                                                                                          equipment added cushion and  exercise equipment. For other
                                                                                                          stability -- and give your space  members of the family into
                                                                                                          the look and feel of a real gym. working  out,  install  personal
                                                                                                             Second is lighting. Make  lockers  for  a  locker  room
                                                                                                          sure you have adequate  experience at home.   n
                                                                                                          lighting from windows or
                                                                                                          from overhead fixtures. If     ©2019 Distributed by
                                                                                                          there’s a window in your gym   Tribune Content Agency,
                                                                                                          area, consider adding a large               LLC.

        by Kathryn Weber

           f there’s one thing that’s
           become a mantra in the past
        I20 years of decorating, it’s that
        less is more. But there’s a new
        wave of thought that’s decidedly
        old-fashioned,  and  it  says  that  less
        is sterile and un-homey. There are
        those who feel that there is comfort
        in stuff, like the overfull bookshelves
        in your grandmother’s living room,
        the ceramic figures that adorned
        the tops of dressers, and the chintz
        and patterned wallpaper that gave
        her rooms life. Has our give-it-all-
        away decluttering left us with little
        to cherish and a home absent of
        hominess? Some say yes.

           If owning very little and
        having  few  possessions  is  a  relief,
        maximalism is not for you.
        Maximalism is a trend that bucks
        the “less is more” idea with a
        belief that more is more. However,   THE RETURN OF MAXIMALISM
        Maximalism isn’t about clutter
        and hoarding. It’s finding comfort
        in excess or repetition, such as
        with color or design. In the arts,
        maximalism  celebrates patter  and  has offered a respite from the busy,  versus being anchored firmly by  can manage, and if you’re tired of  moose head? There’s no reason it
        texture, and it has a no-holds- hectic and oversaturated world.  color,  collections  and  the  stuff  of  living in a white out, then pull in  can’t go over a chintz covered sofa
        barred view of design.        It’s streamlined with scaled back  your life.              some color.                  next to a contemporary leather
           It doesn’t matter that things don’t  possessions, clear, open spaces and                Pile up the pillows on the sofa.  sling chair.
        match; it’s exactly the point that they  muted, neutral colors with emphasis   PERMISSION GRANTED  Mix  and  match patterns  to your   Maximalists see the neutral
        don’t. Putting together what works  on colors and textures of nature. It’s   If you’ve  grown weary  of  heart’s content, but try to keep a  emphasis as a home going nowhere,
        for you and your personal aesthetic  the  absence  of excess  that  creates  feeling the need to relieve your  little order by organizing some of  and being transported is where they
        is the key to maximalism. To a Zen  a Zen-style home. And it’s that  home of your possessions or to  the chaos. If you have a collection,  want to be. If you love big, bold
        decor enthusiast, the visual array is  stark absence that the maximalist  streamline it to a point that it’s  try pulling it together so that it  design you are part of a burgeoning
        clutter, overwhelm and excess, and  notices and that makes them feel  uncomfortable, maximalism is  can make a statement instead of  trend and it’s colorful, loud and
        adds visual stress, the point at where  uncomfortable. The lack of color  your escape route. Embrace your  spreading it around the house where  proud.   n
        maximalists feel comfortable.  and personal items represents loss  joy of color, pattern and excess so  it looks cluttered and loses impact.
                                      of connection and feels like your  you find your comfort zone again.  Put your stuff out and let it take   ©2019 Kathryn Weber
                BUCKING ZEN           floating in your home—the very  Simply put, there may be only so  center stage. Use juxtaposition to   Distributed by Tribune Content
           For years, the Zen style of decor  thing the Zen style is aiming for— much white, beige or brown you  keep it interesting. Have a stuffed   Agency, LLC.
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