Page 17 - Allisons Magazine Holiday 2021 Issue 04
P. 17

One popular addition to post-COVID home styles is                    •  Replace HVAC air filters frequently with the highest-  Exterior features and
                                                              the transitional space, either in an existing foyer or as              quality filters possible to minimize pollutants.   accessory buildings

                                                              an add-on to a side or rear entrance. These spaces are                                                                    As more families seek to convert their existing
                                                              good for added shoe storage, coat hangers, after-school              •  Invest in greener products for home building,     properties into suitable environments for living,
                                                              cubbies, and other fixtures to keep more of the outdoors               design, decor, and maintenance. Aim for fewer toxic   working, and playing, accessory dwelling units (ADUs),
                                                              away from the interior of the home. In addition, a                     chemicals in cleaning products, low-VOC-emitting   guest houses, and other exterior buildings have become
                                                              handwashing station or a small powder room make for                    paints and fabrics, and fewer pesticides.          sought-after options for creating space, privacy,
                                                              ideal places to wash up before interacting with other                                                                     and a delineation between work and home. These
                                                              family members.                                                      •  Make sure you are up to date on maintenance of your   structures provide space for separate home offices,

                                                                                                                                     HVAC system, or consider replacing it, if needed, to   rental properties, or living quarters for immediate and
                                                              For families who depend on delivery services more                      make sure it’s operating at peak efficiency.       extended family members.
                                                              than ever before, small, covered, enclosed porches are
                                                              increasingly popular. These provide a sheltered spot for             Outdoor spaces take center stage                     Storage buildings, pool houses, and other recreational
                                                              grocery or package delivery without compromising                     The large movement from cities to the wide-open spaces   facilities are becoming more important as homeowners
                                                              home security.                                                       of suburban and rural markets was driven by a desire   seek to optimize their outdoor living options. Increasing
                                                                                                                                   for more outdoor space. After all, with the closure of   demand for pools, sports courts, and workout facilities
                                                              Air purifying and cleaner living                                     entertainment and fitness venues, the ability to spread   promises a similar demand for equipment and storage
                                                              Like commercial building owners and transportation                   out and enjoy a more active lifestyle was partially   space to support a more active lifestyle at home.

                                                              providers, we’ve all started thinking more about the                 dependent on the size of a lot or backyard.
                                                              quality of indoor air. There are a variety of ways to ensure                                                              Preparing for what’s next
                                                              that your home’s air quality is as good as it can be:                Now, many homeowners may prefer a backyard cookout   This new normal is encouraging people to do more
                                                                                                                                   instead of having guests all seated around the same table   from home and rethink the way they live for the long
                                                              •  When possible, take the opportunity to replace the air            or milling about in one room of the home. In addition,   term. It only makes sense to ensure that your home is
                                                                 in your home with fresh outdoor air. Turn off the AC              with families spending the majority of their time in   prepared to support more conscientious living—
                                                                 or heat, open windows, and use ceiling and tabletop               close proximity, there is even more need for outdoor   both now and in the future.

                                                                 fans to circulate new air.                                        spaces to stretch out, work out, get away, and play.

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