P. 4

Q & A with the real estate expert
                            ASK ALLISON VAN WIG

                                 SHOWING MY HOME DURING A PANDEMIC

                                       Dear Allison, Plague  buy a home must  rethink  photographs, no matter how  (or couple) at a time. Make  way. Whatever happens a
                                       or no plague, I need  every  action  once thought  high the quality.   them wear masks and don’t  year or so from now, for
                                Qto sell my house  routine. Economic activity       Of course, you’ll want  let them bring their kids.  the foreseeable future, we
                                       and relocate. What  is slow and home sales are  to present your property in  Have hand sanitizer at the  probably  should  expect  the

                                 I had come to assume was  down, but they’re not out.  the  best  possible  light.  If  door for those who don’t  unconventional  to be the
                                 a relatively straightforward  Chronically low inventory  you’re so inclined, you can  carry their own; although  norm.    n
                                 procedure, however, doesn’t  suggests the housing market  hire a professional stager  recent studies suggest it may
                                 feel so simple anymore.  may skew in your favor. A lot  who doesn’t have to  leave  be unnecessary, it doesn’t
                                 I’m not even sure this is a  of  would-have-been  sellers  their office to provide you  hurt to err on the side of
                                 good time to sell. I imagine  are unlisting their homes and  with advice and a shopping  caution.
                                 many people are reluctant to  might-have-been buyers are  list. Even home inspectors   You can sign most of the
                                 commit to buying a house  putting their lives on hold.  can show what they find via  paperwork without sharing
                                 amid economic uncertainty.  Nonetheless, life goes on for  video.        a physical space with the
                                   I never was fond of the  enough  people  to  increase   The more information  other party, and some states
                                 idea of having strangers  your chances of selling your  buyers can get online, the  allow  online  notarization.
                                 carousing about my home,  house at a decent price.  less time spent on face-to- Top it all off with a curbside
                                 peeking and snooping and   Buyers in nearly every  face Q&As. Inquiries allow  closing, and you can have
                                 touching. I’m  thinking I  demographic have been  you  to weed  the window- your house in someone else’s
                                 could just forgo the headache  starting their house hunt  shoppers from the serious  hands without touching
                                 and sell the place as-is, but it’s  online for more than a  prospects  and  restrict them or breathing their air.
                                 a good house that deserves an  decade.  Today,  the  internet   in-person contact to the   When selling a home in
                                 appreciative owner and fair  allows them to do most  latter.             times like these, a trusted
                                 price. Is there a new protocol  of the subsequent legwork   To protect your property,  real estate professional is
                                 for  handling  these  logistics?                remotely.   family, and potential buyers  indispensable. Optimistic   Allison Van Wig
                                                            Video is a godsend to  from unnecessary exposure  economists predict the
                                                            - Kylie P.  the no-touch crowd. Virtual  to invasive organisms, you  housing market will soon  Owner of Van Wig & Associates
                                                                                                                                    (CA DRE #00985700) is the
                                 A    Dear Kylie, These  tours give buyers a better  can insist on social distancing  be  seeing  pre-pandemic   you can call or email her at:
                                                                                                                                        562-882-1581 or
                                        days, people who  idea of a home’s features  and other precautions. Open  numbers. We can only wait
                                        decide to sell or  and flow than can static  your home only to one client  and see if it plays out that

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