P. 6

                           IN THE HOME

                               by Kathryn Weber

                                     he kitchen is the busiest
                                     room in the house, the most
                               T used and the one room that
                               everyone interacts with every day. It’s
                               also the room that is often the most
                                  Because there’s usually more
                               horizontal space, lots of things find
                               their  way  onto  the  counters  until
                               the surface almost disappears. If that
                               describes your kitchen, you’ll be glad
                               to  know you  can  make  a counter
                               attack that will declutter your kitchen
                               and make it seem larger.

                                 CLEAR THE WINDOWSILL OR
                                       SINK COUNTER
                                  If you have a kitchen window or
                               a counter above the sink, you know
                               that this spot attracts all manner of      7 COUNTER ATTACKS
                               flotsam and jetsam from jewelry to
                               hand lotion, twist ties and rubber    TO CLEAR CLUTTER IN THE KITCHEN
                               bands, medicine  bottles and  small
                               tchotchkes. Clean this off for a clear
                               view.                            CONSIDER STORING TOASTER      front door to handle all the mail. Or,  and tablets while they charge
                                                                   AND COFFEE MAKER IF        try hanging wall pockets on a door  (
                                  PUT AWAY CAN OPENERS              UNUSED REGULARLY          or inside the pantry to get the visual
                                  Unless you open multiple cans a   There are some hardcore  clutter confined to a home and off   ORGANIZE THE PANTRY
                               day,  this  appliance  doesn’t  need  to  counter clutter enthusiasts who say  the counters.         AND DRAWERS
                               be on the counter and can be placed  all counters should be completely                          One reason counters collect things is
                               in a cabinet. Or, you can ditch this  clear, but if you make coffee or  ROUND UP THE ELECTRIC CORDS because there isn’t enough organization
                               appliance altogether and get a good  toast frequently during the week,   The kitchen counter has also  elsewhere. That means that some items
                               quality hand-turned can opener.  taking these appliances in and out of  become the central location for  are missing a “home.” For example,
                                                              cabinets is cumbersome. Leave these  charging  cellphones  and  tablets.  prescription pill bottles and other types
                                    STORE THE MIXER AND       on the counter if you use them four  It’s important to get these items  of medicine often pile up on counters.
                                      FOOD PROCESSOR          or more times a week.           up and off the counters, because  Use small, shallow baskets to hold them
                                  These appliances are mostly used                            liquids could inadvertently get the  and store in a drawer or a designated
                               on  an  occasional  basis,  so  clearing   DESIGNATE A SPOT FOR MAIL  electronics wet. The adorne modular  cabinet/pantry shelf.   n
                               them off the counter will give you   Counters collect homework, bills,  under-cabinet system is an electric
                               lots of space and a clean, uncluttered  pizza flyers and the like. Create a  track system that has multiple plugs   ©2020 Kathryn Weber Distributed
                               look.                          mail spot in your home near the  and cradles to hold cellphones    by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

        by Kathryn Weber

        W        Even if you have a large bathroom,
                  hen your bathroom is small,
                  clutter is an ever-present enemy.

                chances are good it could use some
        re-organizing. Once you do create a sense of
        order, whatever the size of your bathroom, it
        will open up and feel larger.

                  TAKE IT OUTSIDE
           Just because it’s a bathroom doesn’t mean
        everything  medically related  needs to be
        stored there. First aid items are often needed
        closer to the back door or kitchen. Instead
        of  stashing  them in  the  medicine  cabinet
        or a bathroom closet, pack these items in a
        portable tackle box. Everything you need will
        be in one convenient place, and you can even
        grab the box to take along on trips, hikes,
        or park it in the back yard for barbecues or
        family campouts.
           Move medicines you use only occasionally,
        such  as  cold  remedies  or  those  for  stomach
        upset,  to  a  cabinet  closer  to  the  kitchen  or
        laundry room. Keep daily medications in the
        bathroom, where you’ll see them every day.  ORGANIZE YOUR SMALL BATHROOM

                      SHELVE IT
           The most serious cause of bathroom
        clutter is lack of vertical storage space.   TO MAKE THE MOST OF THE SPACE
        Expansive countertops and mirrored walls
        are nice, but these require stooping and
        bending to retrieve items used daily. To   for a double towel bar that allows you to  Susan to help you get to find them quickly  a foot of wall space, add Ikea’s Lillangen
        correct this, install some decorative wall   hang two towels in the same space as one  (       mirrored cabinet. At only 11-3/4 inches
        shelves or cabinets. This way, you can store   (   Pick up some office desk organizers for   wide, this storage workhorse can hold a large
        frequently used items at eye level and make   Limit shower items to what will fit into a  makeup and remove make up from bathroom   number of items in a very narrow space.
        using—and perhaps, more importantly—  single organizer. Forget shower caddies that  drawers and counters.         Don’t overlook your bathroom cabinet
        putting them back, more convenient.  are small, rickety and, frankly, annoying.                                doors. Install door shelves to hold bottles and
           When storage is only below waist height,  Instead, use a three-tier standing corner   QUICK TIPS
        more items end up on the counter, eating up  shower organizer (  This   Use organizers to separate dental floss, pill   items such as toothbrush holders.
        precious space and creating visual clutter.  handy device holds more items neatly and is  bottles and other bathroom essentials. Utilize   A little organization can open up a lot of
                                             more convenient to use.              even the smallest spaces by using hairspray   space you never knew you had!   n
                     DOUBLE UP                  Add shelf organizers inside bathroom  caps to store dental picks, swabs, tweezers or
           A single towel bar holds a single towel.  cabinets to double your storage space, and  bobby pins.                 ©2020 Kathryn Weber Distributed by
        Get double the drying power by opting  place items you use the most on a Lazy   Add an over-the-sink shelf; or if you have   Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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