P. 7

outside spaces


            f you’re imagining how                                                                         FOCUS ON FAMILY FUN
            you could be relaxing                                                                            Maybe your dream is to
        I with a good book in the                                                                          add outdoor recreation areas
        shade, entertaining family                                                                         for you and your family.
        in your outdoor kitchen,                                                                           Consider making space
        playing with the kids in the                                                                       for giant stacking blocks,
        sunshine—or just breathing                                                                         life-size checkers or chess,
        in the sights and sounds of                                                                        cornhole or ring toss. How
        nature in your own personal                                                                        about a mini hedge maze or
        oasis—here are some tips to                                                                        paver labyrinth?
        help kickstart the planning                                                                          Then use the existing feel
        process when the time is                                                                           of your home’s exterior as
        right for you.                                                                                     the basis  for your stylistic
          Modern landscaping and                                                                           direction. You could go
        hardscaping offer limitless                                                                        for a traditional, old-world
        possibilities, so you can                                                                          aesthetic by combining the
        find the right solution to                                                                         soft edges and accent pieces
        complement the way you live                                                                        from the Legacy Collection
        and your own personal tastes.                                                                      with the old-world charm
        Whether you want a stylish                                                                         of the Heritage Collection.
        lounge area for entertaining,                                                                      Or you could pair aspects
        a green-filled hideaway for                                                                        of the Legacy Collection
        connecting with nature, or                                                                         with features from the
        a  clean, minimal  space for                                                                       more    modern-looking
        family  fun and  games, you                                                                        Metropolitan  Collection
        can make it happen using a                                                                         to add warmth to your                       DESIGN & DECOR
        combination of pavers, walls,                                                                      contemporary space.
        fire pits or even full outdoor
        kitchens.                                                                                            Homeowners and outdoor
          Channel          your your retreat apart from the  comfortable outdoor living  features from the Heritage  designers can work together
        imagination, plus a little pro  rest of the yard? You could  room  family and guests  can  Collection combined with  to mix and match a variety
        advice, to help you create an  install relaxing hammocks or  enjoy day or night.  elements from the Natural  of textures, colors and styles
        outdoor space that is perfect  a serene fountain to complete   Or perhaps you want  Collection may suit that  to create an outdoor space
        for your family, budget and  your oasis.         to dazzle guests with your  style. Or if you want a  that suits any landscape—
        home. One great resource   Then choose hardscaping  culinary skills at a complete  sleeker, more contemporary  creating an extension of
        is Collections by Belgard,  elements to work hand- outdoor kitchen - including  look, consider opting for  your home to make all your
        which   offers  outdoor in-hand with your favorite  fun  extras  like  a  smoker,  streamlined,  modular dreams come true.
        designers, contractors and  natural  elements.  For wine  cooler or  brick  pizza   outdoor  furnishings,  Visit
        homeowners a way to      example, Belgard’s Natural  oven.                surrounded by pavers or walls  for more design ideas and
        virtually  re-imagine  their  Collection  provides  Plan the exact features you  using the smooth finishes  inspiration.    n
        outdoor space by combining   hardscaping with the look  want before choosing the  found in the Metropolitan
        product offerings that pair  of slates and worn stone that  style, and you can make your  Collection.     ©2020 Brandpoint.
        the right textures and colors  can set the perfect tone for  dreams come true.
        to match your home’s style -  your special hideaway. You
        as well as your vision.  can also pair this style with   EYE-CATCHING
          First, spend a little time  elements from their Heritage   EXTENSION OF YOUR
        with your dream, nailing  Collection for a classic, earthy   LIVING SPACE
        down what type of outdoor  look—or combine walls or   Whatever  plans  you
        space you really want. What  pavers from the Natural   have  for  hardscapes,
        do you most want to do  Collection with items from   furnishings, appliances and
        in your outdoor space, and  the Metropolitan Collection,  more, consider the overall
        what style best expresses your  creating a contemporary yet  ambiance you want to
        vision and personality?.  soft and inviting vibe.  create. Consider not only
                                                         the natural environment, but
         COZY NATURAL RETREAT    RELAXED ENTERTAINING  what style best complements
          Create  a   space  for         CENTER          your home’s aesthetic.
        unwinding from the week’s   Maybe   your   dream   Want a more aged, rustic
        stresses. Could you arrange   sanctuary  is a  cozy  fire  appearance to suit your
        a trellis or pergola bursting  pit  surrounding  by traditional style home? The
        with plants and flowers to set   lounge seating to create a  antique, tumbled look of


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                                             562-882-1581  |  ALLISON@SUPERBROKER.COM

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