Page 24 - Allison's Magazine ~ Issue #101
P. 24

What does it look like to have
          “    I STITCHED MY FIRST                                                 embroidery as a career?

               PLANT PIECES A YEAR                                                 My husband, Davey, and I both
                                                                                   work together to run my studio and
               INTO MY EXPLORATION OF                                              embroidery business. I was able to
               EMBROIDERY—INSPIRATION                                              transition into embroidery full-time
                                                                                   in 2013, about a year and a half
               FOR THOSE FIRST BOTANICAL                                           after I first picked up a needle and
               PIECES CAME FROM MY                                                 thread. Eventually, as my business
               DYING HOUSEPLANTS.                                                  gained some momentum, I had to make
                                                                                   a choice and either jump in headfirst
                                                                                   and fully commit myself to my budding
                                                                                   business or let it fade away. The decision
                                                                                   was an easy one: making is an essential
                                                                                   part of my life.

                                                                                   What materials do you use for
                                                                                   your embroidery?
                                                                                   I almost exclusively use DMC
                                                                                   embroidery floss and pearl cotton in
                                                                                   my work. It is the most readily available
                                                                                   quality product on the market. The
                                                                                   company has been around for nearly
                                                                                   three hundred years and still produces
                                                                                   thread in their original factory in France.
                                                                                   They also have around five hundred
                                                                                   different colors to choose from and seem
                                                                                   to release a few new shades every year!

                                                                                   What stitches do you use?                     Would you talk about the book       What do you attribute
                                                                                   I really only use a handful of stitches in    written about you?                  your success to?
                                                                                   my work. For me, it’s about building an       Embroidered Life: The Art of Sarah K.   I work really hard every day. But I am
                                                                                   image rather than about using a variety       Benning was written by Sara Barnes   also very lucky to have grown up with a
                                                                                   of techniques. The visual complexity          (freelance writer and founder of the   supportive mother who never squashed
                                                                                   of my work comes from the drawing,            Brown Paper Bag blog). She approached   my creative ambitions, to have had
                                                                                   composition, and color selection, and         me with the idea to write a book about   access to resources to pursue my creative
                                                                                   not really from stitch complexity.            contemporary embroidery through the   passions, to have had financial support
                                                                                                                                 lens of my art practice and business. I   to get me through college debt-free,
                                                                                   In an alternate universe, where               jumped at the chance to work with Sara   to have started accounts on Etsy and
                                                                                   would you live and what would you             and share more of my story. I welcomed   Instagram at the right time and to have
                                                                                   be doing?                                     Sara into my home, studio, and      reached some influential people early in
                                                                                   This is such a fun and difficult question.    workshops to give her an inside look at   my career, and to have found a loving
                                                                                   There is truly nothing I would rather be      how I approach embroidery and manage   and supportive partner. And, finally,   For more info, visit
                                                                                   doing, but that is a boring answer, so in     my creative business. The whole thing   I’m lucky that the things I am
                                                                                   an alternate universe, I would be living      feels a little surreal.             passionate about and represent in my
                                                                                   in the desert, cultivating a cactus garden                                        work are things that resonate with so
                                                                                   and possibly running a sweet little inn.                                          many others.

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