Page 27 - Allison's Magazine ~ Issue #101
P. 27

Interior designer Anelle
 Gandelman discusses how
 her diverse background
 influences her projects, the

 indirect path she took to
 opening her New York-based
 firm, A-List Interiors, and
 a stunning Hudson Valley
 farmhouse renovation.



 Tell us about your upbringing:   home furnishings for a startup called
 interview with anelle gandelman
 I was born and raised in South Africa.   DwellStudio, where I eventually became   written by matthew brady
 I studied art in high school, and I won   head of design. After a few years, I   photography by emily gilbert photography
 a couple of regional and national prizes   found myself always stuck in meetings,
 in painting. After high school, I came   doing spreadsheets, and going to
 to the US with the idea that I was going   factories. I really missed being creative,
 to study fine arts and major in painting.   even though I enjoyed the business side
 I went to Parsons School of Design but   of things. To fulfill both my creative
 then ended up working in advertising   desires and continue my interest in
 because it was huge back then.   business, I entered the American Art
 program at Sotheby’s Institute of Art;
 Did your home country influence   my experience there inspired me to open
 you creatively?  up my art gallery in 2007.
 We’re a former colony, so a lot of our
 education and architecture are based on   When the recession of 2008 hit, people
 Western Europe and continental design,   bought less artwork. So, as a way to
 mostly British and French. I think that   diversify my income, I’d take artwork
 my aesthetic has always been a bit more   to people to see it in context in their
 classical because of that. Classical design   homes. They’d then ask me for my
 has always been my passion, and its   advice on other things, like wallpaper
 principles of balance and proportion   and furniture. The interior design part of
 come through in my business.   the business quickly started blossoming,
 and I realized that I was more passionate
 You opened an art studio before   about it. In 2012, I decided to close my
 A-List Interiors. Take us on   art business and dedicate myself fully to
 that journey:   interior design, and that’s when I started
 I had an internship during college   A-List Interiors.
 doing textile design and developing

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