Page 29 - Allison's Magazine ~ Issue #101
P. 29

I love the staircase                                                   She wanted it to feel like it was historic,
 because of its ample                                                   but she also wanted it to be a bit quirky
 light and because                                                      and tongue in cheek.
 I love Gracie
 wallpaper, a hand-                                                     How was it both a renovation and a
                                                                        new construction?
 painted wallpaper
                                                                        It had been added on to around the
 that requires a lot of                                                 1980s, but it was a really bad addition.
 time perfecting and                                                    We got rid of that addition, brought the
 antiquing. It’s a great                                                house down basically to the fireplace
 connector between                                                      column and the foundation, and
                                                                        salvaged some wood. The rest was a
 the original part of the
                                                                        new construction.
 house and the new
 part of the house.
                                                                        How involved were the clients in
                                                                        the project?
                                                                        We did a lot of antique shopping with
                                                                        them in Connecticut and New York,
                                                                        and we combined these finds with the
                                                                        wife’s family heirlooms. Most of the art
                                                                        pieces were bought at auction. They also
                                                                        wanted each room to have a theme, like
 How does your art background                                           Downton Abbey, where someone would
 benefit your designs?                                                  come to your house and you’d tell them
 I’ve found that painting and drawing                                   to put their things in the Yellow Room
 train your eye. So when I’m putting                                    or in the American Room. They wanted
 a design together, I’m thinking of it                                  their rooms to have these fun names.
 based on the rules of composition: focal                               They even named the home: Sunnyside.
 points, rhythm, repetition, and even
 color theory. I think my art background                                Is there an architectural style you
 really helped strengthen those skills as                               leaned toward with this project?
 a designer.                                                            A lot was based on Federal-style
                                                                        architecture and furnishings. I sourced
 What were the owners looking                                           from a store in Connecticut, which
 for in this Hudson Valley                                              produces Federal-style furniture in
 farmhouse project?                                                     England with some of the original
 A husband and wife who live in                                         multigenerational furniture makers
 Brooklyn Heights were up visiting                                      and then brings them to the US. So,
 friends for the weekend and, on a whim,                                for example, the dining room table and
 they decided it’d be great to have a                                   dining room chairs are brand new, but
 country home and found this property,                                  they’re made exactly the same way they
 which was a working farm. The                                          were made two hundred years ago.
 husband is also from South Africa,
 coincidentally, where he grew up on                                    How else did you balance the old-
 farms, so it appealed to him. The first                                yet-new vibe in the dining room?
 thing the wife said to us was that she                                 We wanted it to feel like people could
 didn’t want it to be too serious.                                      come for the weekend and relax, so we

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