Page 35 - Allison's Magazine ~ Issue #101
P. 35

                                                                                blanket, slip into a sweater, or tie a scarf
                                                                                around your neck, you might not think
                                                                                about how it was made. But as the idea
                                                                                of sustainability gains momentum and
                                                                                more people become interested in where
                                                                                their clothes come from, places like the
                                                                                Echoview Fiber Mill in Weaverville,
                                                                                North Carolina, are excited to shed light
                                                                                on the production process—giving new
                                                                                perspective into how wool garments are
                                                                                made through community engagement
                                                                                and transparency.

 MESSAGES                                                                       THE HEART OF HOMEGROWN
                                                                                Echoview is part of a long-standing
 FROM THE MILL                                                                  history of wool production in western
                                                                                North Carolina. Its location, just fifteen
                                                                                minutes outside of Asheville, makes
 written by alexa bricker                                                       it the perfect home base for bringing
 photography by nicole mcconville
                                                                                textiles into the twenty-first century. It
                                                                                also allows the company’s founder, Julie
                                                                                Jensen, and her team the opportunity to
                                                                                weave the area’s traditions and history
                                                                                into everything Echoview does.

                                                                                Jensen fell in love with Weaverville’s
                                                                                natural beauty and sense of tradition
                                                                                more than a decade ago and decided
                                                                                to open Echoview Farm in 2005. The
                                                                                farm originally served as a place for
                                                                                Jensen to raise traditional fiber animals
                                                                                like alpacas and to cultivate regional
                                                                                crops. Eventually, she decided to open
                                                                                a mill that could support her own
                                                                                fiber production as well as the needs of
                                                                                community farmers and craftspeople.

                                                                                “Echoview began as a place for farmers
                                                                                to come and bring their wool to be
                                                                                processed,” says Yoko Morris, a textile
                                                                                artist at Echoview. “North Carolina
                                                                                used to be hugely important for textile
                                                                                manufacturing. When Julie started
                                                                                Echoview, the tradition was still here,
                                                                                but there was something missing. We
                                                                                still buy wool from local farmers, but
                                                                                instead of only processing it and giving

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