Page 6 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Alamitos Heights ~ September 2019 Issue
P. 6
odds and ends
by Kathryn Weber Simple trim added to flat doors
and cabinet doors also adds
W around your elegance and interest quickly
hen you look
and inexpensively.
home and then
compare it to a design MIX AND MATCH
magazine, you may be MATERIALS
wondering what exactly is Lots of new construction
that unique element that today uses salvaged brick
makes the rooms on those because of the character
pages look so appealing. The antique bricks add to a
answer? Character. project. A simpler way is to
Homes whose design use faux brick panels. These
have character built in seem can be added to a wall behind
so naturally attractive, but a sofa or a bed to give your
finding the elements of space a big texture bump
character isn’t always obvious. while building in loads of
Adding some character- character. In the kitchen,
building charm to your home add brick panels for a quick
can be done easily with some backsplash with interest.
simple projects around the Pressed tin is another
house. terrific way to make a
character-building statement.
START AT THE ENTRANCE HOW TO GIVE YOUR HOME These tin tiles are fast and
easy to cut, install and can
One of the first areas to
perfect place to add dimension MORE CHARACTER be put on the ceiling, on a
build character in your home
backsplash or under chair rail
is where it makes its first
trim for wainscot treatment
impression. Your foyer is a
Make bedrooms instantly
and interest, because the room with texture.
is small and even small changes GO NATURAL wood changes to tile floors TRIM, PLEASE cozy with a faux fireplace.
will be noticeable. Natural elements bring a or carpet. Like molding in the foyer, Using trim and off-the-rack
Give the room top-to- sense of charm to any room. Another easy change trim can dress up any room in materials from a home center,
bottom appeal by adding A quick way to add a touch of is with a wicker or natural the house. If you have windows a faux fireplace can be added
a unique treatment on the elegance is to install marble lighting fixture. These add without trim, simple casement in a weekend. Simply adding
ceiling. Start with crown a fireplace mantel on a wall
molding to define your foyer, threshold breaks. Often all kinds of texture and molding will instantly spruce is a terrific way to create the
and then fill in the ceiling found in pricey hotel rooms, character—something all them up. The same is true of illusion of a fireplace while
area with a vibrant color that a marble threshold makes a designers love—and make bland bathroom mirrors. giving your room more
takes its cue from the entry simple statement that’s both fast decorating swaps that Look at the many online definition and character. n
rug. This is a terrific way to natural and stylish. Use are inexpensive to boot. A DIY projects for trimming
create a room that’s layered these at any transition areas, textured rug in a natural fiber out bland builder bathroom ©2019 Kathryn Weber
in interest from the floor to such as from the bathroom like sisal adds character and mirrors. Your bathroom will Distributed by Tribune
the ceiling. to the bedroom, or where dimension. look much better, and stylish. Content Agency, LLC.
by Kathryn Weber SEPARATE SPACE rug, make sure you size the rug for the space rugs are sized right. Having rug corners
Open living areas create a spacious and and the furnishings that go on it. If the rug that stick out creates a trip hazard. Under
rom rugs that welcome you in the roomy feeling, but their boundaries can is too small, it will make the room seem a dining table, ensure that rugs are large
foyer, to a rug under a dining table sometimes blur. This is when sofas and off-kilter. An area rug that’s too large will enough to fit under the table and the chairs
F or bed, area rugs can cover tired furnishings can seem to float in a wide-open make the furnishings seem small and lost by when the chairs are pulled out. Use rug
carpeting or worn floors, or even define your space. To anchor your furniture and define contrast. Aim for a rug that’s the size of the mats on smooth floors to help grip and
space. This is especially true for open-concept your space, area rugs are the quickest fix. seating area, where the whole space under keep rugs from sliding and accidents from
homes or lofts where the lines of where one An area rug in a large room can help pull it the seating area is covered or where the happening. Another consideration is the
room begins and another one ends isn’t together and make it feel more defined. furniture fits on the edges. This will also layered rug. While they may look great in
always so clear. The area rug can help create enable you to purchase a smaller rug, saving design magazines, they may not be practical
a designated space, update a room, or simply RUG RULES you money, but giving you a full look. from a safety standpoint.
put a soft touch under foot. When delineating a space with an area For safety reasons, it’s important that
Unless you’re quite certain of the rug you
want and how it will work in your room,
look for rugs at your local carpet dealer.
Many will let you take rugs home to try
them out and find the one that looks best
and is sized right for your room. If ordering
online, look closely at all the fine details to
ensure a good purchase. Bear in mind that
although you might be able to return a rug
purchased online, the return isn’t the issue;
packaging the rug back up and hauling it to
the delivery service for returns that can be
When it comes to selecting a rug color,
think about how you want the rug to look
in your room. If you have dark floors, select
a lighter color so that the rug doesn’t blend
into the background. Having a little contrast
in color is also good for the eye and creates
definition of your space. For solid-colored
furniture, a patterned rug will introduce
visual interest. Give your room a great feel
with a rug that’s textured, like sea grass. Or
go luxurious with long fibers to add a cozy,
soft feel underfoot and a look that’s stylish
and current. n
©2019 Kathryn Weber. Distributed by
Tribune Content Agency, LLC.