Page 8 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Alamitos Heights ~ September 2019 Issue
P. 8
entertaining and food
ood food, great company and
the beauty of the outdoors:
GDining al fresco with family
or friends is the perfect way to
enjoy beautiful weather. For many
people, though, the job of outdoor
entertaining can feel somewhat
intimidating. But it doesn’t have to
be. With these simple tips, you’ll end
up hosting a memorable, stress-free
get-together, whether it’s a lovely
patio lunch for two or a poolside
party for twenty.
If the weather on the day of your
event is expected to be particularly
hot, make sure you plan ways to keep
things cool. Set up tables and chairs
within the natural outdoor shade or
move seating under umbrellas and
awnings. You could even set out
small spray bottles for guests to cool
themselves off, or supply attendees TO ADD A LITTLE FOOD FUN TO YOUR MENU, TRY THIS BUFFALO SHRIMP
local dollar store. Keep plenty of
ice-cold beverages within easy reach BUFFALO SHRIMP SANDWICH
by stocking metal serving tubs with INGREDIENTS PREPARATION cheese and serve.
drinks. No tubs? Look around your • 1 18 oz package SeaPak(R) Prepare popcorn shrimp according For extra messy sandwiches, drizzle
house for unexpected inspiration. Popcorn Shrimp to package directions and toss with any leftover sauce onto the top of your
For example, a wheelbarrow or kids’ • 1 cup prepared buffalo sauce* the buffalo sauce. sandwich before serving.
wagon filled with ice and beverages • 1 soft baguette cut into 4 equal Divide the arugula between the 4 *To make your own buffalo sauce
works great and will reflect the easy pieces, sliced and toasted rolls and top each with the popcorn instead, mix together 8 tablespoons
summer vibes of your outdoor party. • 4 ounces blue cheese shrimp mixture. melted butter, ½ cup hot sauce, and 1
• 1 cup arugula Top each sandwich with blue teaspoon seasoned salt.
Being a gracious host shouldn’t shrimp, shrimp spring rolls and buffet style, you’ll want to have some ADD OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES
mean being stuck in the kitchen. By butterfly shrimp available at your mesh food covers on hand to protect By adding some casual outdoor
choosing easy dishes, you’ll make local grocery store. your dishes. activities to your event, you’ll create a
guests happy while freeing yourself relaxed, playful mood that will inspire
up to join in on all the fun. A great VARY SERVING WARE SIMPLIFY YOUR MENU guests to mingle. Puzzles and board
place to look for crowd-pleasing Worried about mismatched serving Outdoor meals are all about games are an ideal complement to all
appetizers that require little to no ware? Fret not. This is hardly a keeping it simple, so a handful of the easy-going conversation, and yard
prep work is the frozen food aisle. problem when it comes to easy, light and flavorful courses are all you games, like croquet, beanbag toss and
Here, you’ll find a variety of high- breezy outdoor entertaining. Using need to keep your guests satisfied. A horseshoes, are popular standbys for
quality, ready-made options that an eclectic mix of different pieces, colorful summer salad, fresh grilled partygoers both young and old. If
will help you save time without like wooden cutting boards, floral vegetables and a few easy main dishes kids will be in attendance, keep them
sacrificing taste. A summertime platters and striped serving trays, is like sandwiches and kebabs make up occupied with their own activities and
favorite that shouldn’t be forgotten both charming and on-trend. Even a perfect seasonal menu. Of course, supplies, such as bubble blowers and
is seafood. Brands like SeaPak make the plates that guests use can be a don’t forget the dessert! Wow your washable sidewalk chalk. n
entertaining easy, with a variety of fun hodgepodge of patterns. Keep guests with a fruit-topped cheesecake
party-ready products like popcorn in mind that if you’re serving food or pound cake. ©2019 Brandpoint.
DIRECTIONS 10 to 15 minutes.
Stir in the potatoes, whole beans and
Transfer half of the white beans to bean purees, and vegetable stock. Raise
a blender or food processor, and blend the heat, stirring occasionally, and bring
or process until pureed. Set aside in a the mixture to a boil. Then, stir in
covered bowl in the refrigerator. Do the the cauliflower, corn, peas, spinach, kale
same with the cranberry or pinto beans. and chard. Continue cooking, stirring
Drain and reserve the whole beans. occasionally, until the kale and chard are
Heat the 1/2 cup olive oil in a soup tender, 5 to 7 minutes longer.
pot over medium heat. Add the garlic, Season the soup to taste with more
onions, leek, carrot and celery. Cook, olive oil, salt and pepper. Serve ladled
stirring frequently, until the vegetables into bowls, passing Parmesan and
have turned golden brown, 10 to 15 additional oil for each person to add to
minutes. taste. Serves 8. n
Stir in the zucchini, yellow squash,
butternut squash and canned and diced © 2019 Wolfgang Puck Worldwide, Inc.
tomatoes. Cook until the squash is tender, Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
• 1/2 cup drained canned white beans • 2 ounces diced split and rinsed leek white, • 2 ounces peeled, seeded, and diced butternut • 2 ounces freshly shelled peas, about 4
about 1/2 medium leek squash, about 1-inch slice of squash ounces unshelled
• 1/2 cup drained cranberry beans
or pinto beans • 2 ounces peeled and diced carrot, • 4 ounces Roma tomatoes, diced, about 2 • 4 ounces baby spinach leaves
about 1 medium carrot tomatoes
• 1/2 cup good-quality fruity extra-virgin • 2 ounces de-ribbed and coarsely chopped
olive oil, plus extra for seasoning and • 2 ounces trimmed and diced celery, • 2 ounces peeled and diced potato, about black kale or green kale
serving about 1 rib 1/3 medium potato
• 1 to 2 ounces coarsely chopped rainbow
• 1 ounce chopped garlic, 6 or 7 cloves • 2 ounces diced zucchini, about 1/3 • 4 cups good-quality canned vegetable stock chard or Swiss chard, about 1 leaf
medium zucchini
• 2 ounces diced red onion, • 2 ounces coarsely chopped cauliflower, • Kosher salt
about 1/2 small onion • 2 ounces diced yellow summer squash, just under 1/4 small head
about 1/3 medium squash • Freshly ground black pepper
• 2 ounces diced white onion, • 2 ounces freshly shucked corn kernels,
about 1/2 small onion • 1 cup canned tomato puree from 1 small to medium ear • Freshly grated Parmesan cheese, for serving