Page 7 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Alamitos Heights ~ September 2019 Issue
P. 7
home accents
“Poufs make a
great spot for feet
without taking up
a large amount of
space like upholstered
ottomans with legs
usually do.”
In the bedroom, a pouf makes a
by Kathryn Weber quick spot to put on shoes or fills an DESIGN & DECOR
W accessories to your decor, SEATING AND STYLE TO SPARE empty corner with softness. You can
hen you think of adding
also line up poufs at the end of the
the usual figurines, boxes
or candlesticks might come to mind. bed to take the place of a standard
But one accent that looks charming WITH POUFS In main living areas, poufs can
and doubles as furniture is the pouf. be on standby if unexpected guests
Sometimes called pouf ottomans, drop by and you need extra seating.
poufs are oversized pillows that sit With their round shape, poufs never
on the floor and can double as a the standard square ottoman. Better versatility of going from unique get in the way and can be next to a
footstool or a seat. If you don’t have a still, poufs make a great spot for feet accessory, to footstool, seat and table table or piece of furniture without
pouf in your home, it might be time without taking up a large amount of makes poufs almost indispensable. hindering the flow of the room. It’s
for one or two. space like upholstered ottomans with And for homes with little ones, poufs their round shape, too, that’s so eye
legs usually do. will protect them from bumps and catching.
VERSATILITY bruises that often come from the Look for poufs in fabric for a soft
Pouf ottomans make a great choice POUF PAIR hard edges of cocktail tables. look. Or try leather or wicker, which
to add on either side of a cocktail Placed under a sofa console, poufs stand the test of time. If you really
table for board games or even as make quick seating for guests at a ROUND UP want to impress people, go for a
seating for an impromptu spot to party or for kids to pile in to watch It’s that soft, round shape that textural extreme with a faux fur
eat dinner. You’ll get the feel of low movies or TV. But they can do much makes poufs so appealing. These pouf that will delight everyone who
seating without having to go all the more than just be a spot for your feet squishy orbs add a soft texture to a touches it. n
way to the floor. As a spot to rest your or as impromptu seating. room of hard furniture and stiff lines.
feet, poufs are easy to tuck under Adding a tray on top, a pouf can Try adding a pair of poufs outdoors ©2019 Kathryn Weber
tables and pull out when you want become a quick table. This makes it for extra patio panache. If space is at a Distributed by Tribune Content
to put your feet up or use in place of highly prized in small spaces. Their premium, use poufs in place of chairs. Agency, LLC.
“I interviewed 4 realtors when selling our house in Bellflower and “We chose Cindy & Allison after spending 6 months with
chose Cindy and Allison. They were nothing less than awesome! another Realtor. The first realtor did not give us any helpful
They took care of everything—EVERYTHING. They hired a information on making a home attractive to perspective buyers
painter and a roofer. They had the place staged before the open and didn’t like doing open houses. We interviewed and signed with
house and even had the lawn watered. When the house got bids Cindy & Allison and found them, to be highly energetic and full
(and it got 6 bids), they helped us understand which bid would of great ideas. They loved doing open houses many by
be the best to accept. They even got a higher price on the house special appointment making it convenient for interested buyers.
than we expected. They were professional and personable. I felt They more than went the extra mile, staging our home beautifully,
that they listened to me and offered good advice in response. keeping us informed weekly, and always being happy and
I trusted them and I am so happy with the results. I whole- positive. They really are “One of a Kind” Realtors.”
heartedly recommend these two women to sell your house.”