Page 7 - August 2019 Lakewood Village
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home decor
W favorite interior spaces, down and open slightly. Then tuck flowers (or make your own!) to example of this trend. Wooden boards DESIGN & DECOR
hen you look at your this special wreath. Turn upside- from 3- to 10-inches tall. Add silk and wooden signs are a perfect
are you craving a refresh? into the top opening silk flowers of these vases for a splash of color in personalized with meaningful sayings,
If your home decor is dated, drab or your choice that you can find at your any room, from the vanity in the monograms and other custom elements
you’re just bored with it, an update local dollar or craft store. Tie the bathroom to the kitchen table. are popular, but you won’t have to pay
is in order. middle of the umbrella with a bow an artist to create one for you. Instead,
Fortunately, you don’t need to to secure flowers in place and allow PERSONALIZED go to your local craft store and buy an
hire an expensive interior designer the umbrella to be hung securely. ACCENT PILLOWS affordable board in the shape of your
or completely redo rooms. With a Then, simply use the handle to hang Decorative pillows add pops of choice. To save money, go through
few key DIY projects, you can easily on your front door’s wreath hook or color to couches, chairs and other scrap lumber you might have and sand
give each room a facelift without anywhere else in your home where furniture. New pillows can be costly, a piece to prepare it for paint. Start by
spending a lot of money. Better yet, you desire to add seasonal color. so consider updating the ones you creating an outline of what you want
this gives you the opportunity to have with iron-on appliques that you to paint using a pencil, so it can easily
personalize your decor so it’s one of PINEAPPLE PAPER VASES create yourself. Use the Cricut Maker be painted over or erased. If you’re
a kind and truly reflects who you are. Think outside the box when to cut words, silhouettes and other not good at freehand designs, use a
Whether you’re a savvy DIYer or deciding on materials to use for fun designs with Cricut’s Everyday
just have always wanted to personalize your project. While vases are often Iron-on™, which comes with a stencil to create your preferred design.
your own projects, consider these made out of glass or porcelain, StrongBond guarantee so you can A popular design is to write out your
simple home decor ideas i to update how fun would it be to update enjoy it wash after wash. After cutting last name and then under it put an
your home and bring new life to your space with paper vases? your designs, weed the iron-on and establish date. For example: “Nelson”
your favorite spaces: Opportunities are limitless with apply using the Cricut EasyPress™, followed by “est. 2005”.
the Cricut Maker™ that allows which provides professional results
ADORABLE UMBRELLA WREATH you to cut hundreds of materials in 60 seconds or less without the These simple home decor projects
Add cheer to your front door quickly and accurately, from the guesswork of timing or temperature will get the creative juices flowing
or anywhere in your house with most delicate paper and fabric to settings. What designs are trending and help you refresh your home and
a homemade wreath that can be chipboard and leather. Pineapples this year? Mandala designs are great personalize your spaces. With fresh
constructed in minutes. Use an are a symbol of hospitality and are for a variety of home aesthetics, and color, fun designs and personalized
umbrella as the base of the wreath. an ideal design for warm-weather words and phrases are always popular elements, you’ll enjoy these one-of-
Purchase a new one in a bright hue months. You can use the Cricut and can be completely personalized. a-kind decorations for many years to
or use one from around your home. Scoring Wheel to create stunning come. n
You’ll want one with a hooked geometric Paper Pineapple Vases HEARTFELT WOODEN SIGNS
handle, as that will be how you hang (pictured above) in a variety of sizes Rustic chic is a top design style, ©2019 Brandpoint.
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