Page 3 - August 2019 Lakewood Village
P. 3



            f you’re a weekend warrior  and we don’t allow enough time   Acupuncture is a safe, natural
            or an athlete, do you practice  for our bodies to recover. Some  healthcare system that can provide        Tina Labok
        I your skills and technique  use anti-inflammatory and pain  immediate relief and long-lasting
        in order to become a healthier,  medications.  This  will  dull  the  benefits. It can help you return
        faster, stronger and more agile  pain and reduce inflammation   to peak performance by restoring
        athlete? Do you push your body to  but it is just temporary relief.   the proper and continuous flow of
        improve your fitness level?    Moreover, such OTC meds can    vital energy called Qi.
           In the sport world, injury may  be masking the aches, stiffness,   Imagine a blockage in
        occur as we push beyond our  swelling and pain in the body that   a hose that cuts off the water
        limits. We may overdo it and, over  may be a deeper issue occurring   supply to a plant. The proper
        time, create problems now and in  in the body. These sensations are   flow and quantity of water is
        the future.                    signals from your body telling you   required for the plant to thrive.                                          SPOTLIGHT
                                                                      If the plant doesn’t get adequate  for thousands of years and cured
           Many of us have busy lifestyles  that something is out of balance.
                                                                      nourishment, it will wither and  thousands of illnesses. It’s time to
                                                                      waste away. Likewise, if the flow  give this ancient medicine a try
                                                                      of Qi is disrupted and blocked  for yourself. Listen to your body
                                                                      it will not circulate properly  when it whispers so you don’t
                                                                      within the body. If this happens  have to hear it scream.
                                                                      it can lead to symptoms of pain,
                                                                      swelling, stiffness, fatigue and        Give me a call to set up
                                                                      limited range of motion, thereby           an appointment at:
                                                                      hindering your performance.
                                                                         Acupuncture can help with all
                                                                      these symptoms by unblocking     TINA LABOK WELLNESS
                                                                      the stagnate Qi which will       in the West Village area.
                                                                      increase your energy, improve
                                                                      your performance, and address
                                                                      underlying issues. It can help get   4439 East Village Rd, LB 90808
                                                                      you back into balance.                 Phone: 714-875-5790
                                                                         Acupuncture has been around

           REAL-TIME MARKET PROFILE                                           MEDIAN LIST PRICE

           Never miss important changes in the Long Beach market.

            Median List Price                  $759.900

            Per Square Foot                    $430

            Days on Market                     36

            Price Decreased                    45%

            Price Increased                    1%

            Relisted                           3%

            Inventory                          71
                                                              We continue to see prices in this zip code bounce around this plateau. Look for a persistent down-shift in the Market Action Index before we see prices deviate from these levels.
            Median House Rent                  $2,950

            Most Expensive                     $1,080,000

            Least Expensive                    $560,000
            Market Action Index                58
            Strong Seller’s Market                                                                      ALLISON@SUPERBROKER.COM

                                                    MARKET SEGMENTS

                  Each segment below represents approximately 25% of the market ordered by price.

                MEDIAN PRICE          SQ. FT.            LOT SIZE             BEDS        BATH        AGE           NEW         ABSORBED         DOM

                  $973,990             2,468        4,500 - 6,500 SQFT          4           2          56             3              2             46
                  $832,450             2,046        4,500 - 6,500 SQFT          4           1          66             3              3             40
                  $724,950             1,636        4.500 - 6,500 SQFT          3           1          69             5              7             36

                  $629,997             1,274        4,500 - 6,500 SQFT          3           0          69             9              4             25

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8