Page 8 - August 2019 Lakewood Village
P. 8

entertainment and food

                                                         THE NEW ANGELS HAVE LANDED...
                               by Nardine Saad                                                                                     agency, also drops in via the
                                                                                                                                   franchise’s iconic speaker
                                    ony Pictures Entertain-                                                                        box.
                                    ment recently debuted   ALL SIX OF THEM                                                           The film, based on the
                              Sthe trailer for the                                                                                 popular TV series of the
                               upcoming  “Charlie’s Angels”   This musical power trio,  Townsend, who directly  Bosley, who tells the “lady  1970s, celebrates  female
                               reboot, directed, co-written  previewing defiant lyrics such  interacts with the Angels.  spies” that the Townsend  empowerment,  which
                               and produced by Elizabeth  as “Don’t Call Me Angel,” steps   The edgy Sabina (Stewart)  Agency she fronts exists   originally  attracted Banks  to
                               Banks.                   into the role once occupied  runs field operations and  because “traditional law  the project.
                                  The wig- and action- by Destiny’s Child, who  beats down a misogynist  enforcement can’t keep up.”   The 2000 film was
                               packed teaser introduces stars  provided the  “Independent  who  steals  humanitarian- She tricks out the team with  directed by McG and became
                               Kristen Stewart, Ella Balinska  Women” anthem for the  aid  money.  The  stealth  wigs, high-tech toys and glam  a runaway hit, making $264
                               and Naomi Scott as the  2000 film starring Cameron  Jane (Balinska) is a former  costumes in just one of the  million at the global box
                               crime-fighting trio on screen,  Diaz,  Lucy Liu and  Drew  MI-6 operative disguised as  agency’s gear closets.  office. But its 2003 follow-
                               as  well  as  recording  artists  Barrymore.      waitress who can deoxygenate   But she’s not the only  up, “Charlie’s Angels: Full
                               Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande   The new  single features  a man’s brain with a single  Bosley. There are now teams  Throttle,” and short-lived
                               and Lana Del Rey as the pop  a ring-a-ding intro and is  touch. And the green Elena  of Angels guided by multiple  2011 TV series didn’t fare
                               angels featured on the film’s  spliced and diced throughout  (Scott) is taken under their  Bosleys taking on jobs around  nearly as well.
                               soundtrack.              the trailer.             wing because she’s a lead  the world. Patrick Stewart   The new “Charlie’s Angels”
                                  Because Cyrus, Grande and   Banks  (“Pitch  Perfect 2”)  programmer on a product  and Djimon Hounsou are  hits theaters in November.   n
                               Del Rey are the supergroup we  also takes on a fourth role in  that can revolutionize the  among them.
                               need right now. Grande also  the female-led action flick:  power industry. Her product,   Charlie, the mysterious   ©2019 Los Angeles Times.
                               was co-executive producer on  She’s  the  beloved  Bosley,  alas, can also be weaponized.  man behind the global  Distributed by Tribune Content
                               the soundtrack.          an associate of Charles     Enter Banks’ ever-chic  security and investigative          Agency, LLC.

                                                                                                               FOR THE PIZZA:
                                                                                   •  4 6-ounce balls Wolfgang’s   •  1/2 cup chopped yellow   •  4 tablespoons tomato
                                                                                     Pizza Dough (recipe below)   onion               ketchup
                                                                                     or 4 8-to-10-inch premade
                                                                                     rolled-out pizza dough   •  1 pound good-quality   •  4 tablespoons yellow
                                                                                     rounds                  ground beef              ballpark-style mustard,
                                                                                                                                      or 4 more tablespoons
                                                                                   •  2 tablespoons vegetable oil  •  Kosher salt     tomato ketchup
                                                                                   •  8 thin lengthwise slices dill   •  Freshly ground black pepper
                                                                                     pickle or 24 dill pickle chips,
                                                                                     drained               •  8 slices American cheese
                                                                                                           FOR THE PIZZA DOUGH:
                                                                                    •  1 package active dry yeast  •  1 cup warm water, 105 F  •  1 teaspoon kosher salt
                                                                                    •  1 teaspoon honey    •  3 cups all-purpose flour  •  1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

                                                                                  to but not over the thicker edge.    honey in 1/4 cup warm water.
                                                                                    Evenly spread the cooled beef over the   In a food processor, combine the flour
                                                                                  sauce. Distribute the pickle slices on top.  and salt. Add the oil, yeast mixture, and
                                                                                  Place one American cheese slice in the  remaining water; process until a ball forms.
                   CHEESEBURGER PIZZA                                             center of each pizza. Cut or tear each  Turn out onto a clean work surface and
                                                                                  of the remaining slices into quarters and  knead by hand until smooth and firm, about
                   DIRECTIONS                season to taste with salt and pepper. Saute,  distributed  them  around  the  center  cheese  3 minutes. Cover with a clean, damp towel
                                             stirring continuously and breaking up the  sliced on each pizza.          and let rise in a cool spot for about 2 hours.
                      THE PIZZA              meat with the wooden spoon, until evenly   Using a pizza paddle or rimless baking sheet,   Divide into  4 equal balls. Work each by
          Place a pizza stone on the oven’s middle  browned, 5 to 7 minutes.      transfer the pizzas one at a time to the pizza  pulling  down  the  sides  and tucking under.
        rack. Preheat the oven to 500 F.       Using a wire skimmer or slotted spoon to  stone, baking only as many at one time as  Repeat four or five times. On a smooth,
          Meanwhile, on a lightly floured work  help leave any fat in the pan, remove the beef  will fit comfortably onto the stone. Bake until  unfloured surface, roll under your palm
        surface, stretch out the dough balls into even  from the pan, spreading it out evenly on a  deep golden brown, 8 to 10 minutes. Then,  until smooth and firm, about 1 minute.
        8-inch (20-cm) circles, shaping the edges  large sheet of aluminum foil or on a cookie  using the paddle or baking sheet, remove from  Cover with a damp towel and let rest 1 hour.
        slightly thicker.                    sheet to help it cool quickly.       the oven to a cutting board, cut into slices,  The  balls  can  be  wrapped  in  plastic  and
          In a large nonstick saute pan, heat the   While the meat is cooling, combine the  and serve, while baking any remaining pizzas.  refrigerated for up to two days. Makes 4 balls,
        oil over medium-high heat. Add the onion  ketchup and mustard in a small mixing bowl,  Makes 4 pizzas, each about 8 inches.  each 6 ounces.   n
        and saute, stirring continuously with a  stirring well; if you don’t want mustard, use
        wooden spoon, until it begins to turn  twice as much ketchup. Spread this sauce      THE PIZZA DOUGH                    © 2019 Wolfgang Puck Worldwide, Inc.
        translucent. Add the ground beef, and  over the top of the pizza dough rounds, up   In a small bowl, dissolve the yeast and   Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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