Page 1 - August 2019 Lakewood Village
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                                                        WHAT SHOULD YOU KEEP AND FOR HOW LONG?
                                                      ome financial documents  years after the due date of the  if you’re audited by the IRS.  RECORDS OF LOANS THAT
                                                      need to be kept, others  tax return that includes the  These records help track your   HAVE BEEN PAID OFF
                                                 Scan be scanned and then  income or loss on the home  cost basis and the taxes you   Keep for seven years.
                                                 shredded or tossed. Here’s a  when it’s sold. If you plan  owe when you sell stocks or
                                                 guide on what to keep and  to sell the house, and you  properties. Once you receive   ACTIVE CONTRACTS,
                                                 for how long. In this age of  have made improvements  the annual summaries, you   INSURANCE DOCUMENTS,
                                                 paperless documents,  scanned  to it, keep receipts for those  can  shred  your  monthly   PROPERTY RECORDS OR
                                                 images  converted to  PDF’s  are  improvements for seven years.   statements.
                                                 readily accepted in place of the  You may need them to lower                        STOCK CERTIFICATES
                                                 original.                  the taxable gain on the house   BANK STATEMENTS        Keep  all  these  items while
                                                   If you haven’t already opted  when you sell it.       You’ll need bank statements   they’re active. After contracts are
                                                 to go paperless, you might be                         for up to three years if you are   completed or insurance policies
                                                 buried in piles of receipts, bills,   MEDICAL BILLS   audited by the IRS. If your bank   expire,  you  can discard  these
                                                 pay stubs, tax forms and other   Keep receipts for medical   provides online statements, you   documents.
                                                 financial documents. But it  expenses  for  one  year  because   can switch to receiving your
                                                 doesn’t have to be that way.   your insurance company may   bank documents online and cut   MARRIAGE LICENSE, BIRTH
                                                   We all have stuff to get rid  request proof of a doctor visit   down on paper.    CERTIFICATES, WILLS,
                                                 of  so that  is why  on  Saturday  or other verification of medical              ADOPTION PAPERS, DEATH
                                                 August 24th Allison Van Wig  claims.                        TAX RETURNS          CERTIFICATES OR RECORDS
                                                                                                                                    OF PAID MORTGAGES
         ALLISON VAN WIG                         of Van Wig & Associates,  is    PAYCHECK STUBS          The IRS recommends that   Keep these documents forever.
                                                 having a complimentary FREE
                 CA DRE #00985700                Shredding Event in front of   Keep paycheck stubs until the   you “keep records for three
                                                                                                       years from the date you filed
                                                 her real estate office. Gather up  end of the year and discard
         562-882-1581                            those papers that you have been  them after comparing to your   your original return or two   Information contained in this
                                                                                                                                    article regarding document
                                                                                                       years from the date you paid
          WWW.SUPERBROKER.COM                    meaning to get rid of and bring  W-2 and annual Social Security   the tax, whichever is later.”  storage times is deemed to be
                                                 them on down to 4435 E Village  statements.
                                                                                                       If you file a claim for a loss  reliable but is not guaranteed
          ALLISON@SUPERBROKER.COM                Road in Long Beach where you                          from worthless securities or bad   by the author and publisher.
                                                 will find a huge commercial       UTILITY BILLS
                                                 shredding  machine –  the  event   Keep for one year and then   debt deduction, keep your tax   Please consult a Tax Advisor
                                                 starts at 8:00 a.m. and runs until  discard — unless you’re claiming   records for seven years.  for verification.
                                                 Noon!                      a home office tax deduction, in
                                                   Need to know what to  which case you must keep them
                                                 keep and what to Scan then  for three years.
                                                 Shred? Here’s a guide of which
                                                 financial documents to keep  CREDIT CARD STATEMENTS
                                                 and for how long:            Keep until you’ve confirmed
                                                                            the charges and have proof of
                                                          RECEIPTS          payment. If you need them for
                                                   Receipts for anything you  tax deductions, keep for three
                                                 might itemize on your tax return  years.
                                                 should be kept for three years
                                                 with your tax records.         INVESTMENT AND
                                                                              REAL ESTATE RECORDS
                                                    HOME IMPROVEMENT          Keep for three years since you
                                                          RECORDS           may need the documentation
                                                   Hold these for at least three  to support capital gains tax


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                                                              INSIDE THIS ISSUE - AUGUST 2019

         Discover Publications, 6425 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229  MONEY  REFRESH YOUR     RECIPE OF THE MONTH      HORSING             PROPERTIES        DP #22375

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