Page 7 - In The Year 2021 - 22-11-20
P. 7

25/01/20.    The  corrupt  establishment  lies  and  propaganda  in  the  UK  is  VILE.
        The  only  chance  we  have  of  creating  a  fairer  caring  society  is  Independence  and  and  voting  YES  in  such
        overwhelming numbers that even the LYING TOLY KUNTS cannot deny the people of Scotland their democratic

        29/01/20. Scotland to reach 100% renewables in time to host 2020 climate summit

        Fucking unbelievable....hosted in Glasgow and the Lying Cheating cunt that is Johnson banned the elected First
        Minister of Scotland from attending             Are You Yes Yet......or a submissive slave to making the Rich
        Richer and the Poor Poorer?


        29/01/20. OK so watching the "Celebrations" of dragging Scotland out of the EU against the democratic will of
        a  Sovereign  Nation......on  the  John  Logie  Baird  TV,  ..singing  "for  Auld  Lang  Syne"....toasting  with  Scotch
        whisky.....with ice from the refrigerator that was designed Scottish professor William Cullen.........or maybe a G
        &  T  thanks  to  Scottish  doctor  George  Cleghorn.  .....spreading  the  news  on  the  Graham  Alexander  Bell
        phone....leaving on the Kirkpatrick Macmillan. A blacksmith from Dumfriesshire, who conjured up the pedal
        bicycle  with  Dunlop  tyres  .....heading  for  a  game  of  Scotland  is  praised  time  and  time  again  for
        inventing golf,....then relaxing with a game of Grand Theft Auto the brainchild of Scottish video game design
        extraordinaire David Jones..... all funded by Scottish oil.........before shagging a "Nell Gwyn" who died from a

        strain of syphilis....the only thing England invented.          .......Are You Yes Yet...

        30/01/20. St Nicola ...HONEST, eloquent, caring and passionate about Scotland.

        Johnson....LYING, stammering, vile.....and hates Scotland .."The Scotch – what a verminous race!"; "It’s time
        Hadrian’s Wall was refortified, to pen them in a ghetto on the other side"; "The nation deserves not merely
        isolation, but comprehensive extermination”. Words he printed

        So why is Johnson determined to block Independence? Because he knows an Independent Scotland would
        become a fairer caring ...and wealthy Nation......leaving England  as a divisive, elitist ....and poorer Nation. ,


        29/01/20. Farage, who's party represents the UK in Europe has just stood up in the EU Parliament with the
        rest of his Brexit Party MEPs, waved British flags, spewing divisive and hateful rhetoric, cheering on his pals in
        the right wing Tory party. How embarrassing for the people of the UK, that upon leaving the EU, the UK's
        representatives in Europe were advised to leave the parliament by the Irish speaker and to take their flags
        with them, and had their microphones cut off for playground behaviour, and rather than leave gracefully,
        engaged in vile hate speech upon their departure.
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