Page 100 - Lockdown Diary
P. 100
Keith Bawbag Scott Chuckle
Video 11:54 Who are you? 20:32
Dode the Sodge
Cunt 20:32
Scott Chuckle
Is that your hole name? 20:33
Keith Bawbag Dode the Sodge
Love you too
Video 14:29 20:34
Scott Chuckle
Tommy Tank
Is this just for Ginger cunts? 20:35
Dode the Sodge Dode the Sodge
“Ya fat mess “ Aye so fuck off ya fat cunt 20:36
Best I’ve heard 14:30
Tommy Tank
Winton Chuckle
Dode the Sodge
Sorry pal it just came out 20:37
Scott Chuckle
He meant to say ya fat ugly cunt! 20:40
Eric the Hun
Regards to all you fine gents
Hope you all good . 21:15
Dode the Sodge
All good Eric , hope your well . Safe and
Dode the Sodge
happy . 21:15
How are all you cunts ?????? 20:31