Page 98 - Lockdown Diary
P. 98
Keith Bawbag Keith Bawbag
APRIL 30, 2020
Tommy Tank
Dumbnut Cummings......."Boris you've made
10:19 a right cnut of fact a blind plastic
surgeon giving Theresa May a fanny tuck
could not have a worse looking cnut of
Dode the Sodge it.....but I have a Dumnut Cunning plan to get
the plebs on our side and make you look like
some heroic war time leader".....Boris..."You
mean like, genius Dumnut
what's the plan?" DC "right we are going to
release fake news that you have coronavirus
and are in an NHS hospital OK? But all the
time you'll be in the back bedroom at No10
shagging Carrie's sister while you wait on her
13:38 dropping the next Tory leach bastard child.
Then 3 days a er a er nearly "dying" you'll
appear in front of the nation and thank the
Tommy Tank NHS for saving your life. Then you'll have
another two weeks lazing about "recovering"
Ffs Trump....."the answer is simple and
nobody knows more about simple than .....then Carrie drops Damian Dumnuts
me.....inject Dettol and listen to the Cure" Johnson. The Plebs will love you. What do
you think?"
13:42 BoJo "Dumnut have you completely lost your
fucking mind? I'm the fuckin PM of the UK in
the midst of a world crisis ....I can't possibly
go into a plebs NHS hospital.....I might really
catch the fuckin thing" 14:54