Page 103 - Lockdown Diary
P. 103
Keith Bawbag Tommy Tank
Video 19:45 Me . Johnson's named the Bastard......Kunt
Jnr The Turd ... Scott. Sorry Tom. He is a
baby give him a chance. He may grow up to
be a cunt but he should loved loved until
then. A er all look how you turned out!
Me. Nah Scott Fairbairn we can't take the
risk....I'm following the science and taking
advice directly from our esteemed leader and
expert....... Kunt Jnr The Turd will be 'ill-
raised, ignorant, aggressive and illegitimate.
Now look at another case "The Fairbairns"
......Ma n Da Fairbairn took a chance and
Keith Bawbag gave birth to a handsome, strapping 6' rugby
playing Adonis .........and a Specky Ginger
Video 23:33 Kunt who's only purpose in life is to be a
disruptive influence on our golf holidays.
embarrassing us by dropping his shorts and
displaying his miniature crown jewels in
crowded beach front bars. What's "Fair
Bairns" in that? If fact I recon this new fair
bairn could turn out to be Specky Ginger
Kunt the Turd who like his faither is prone to
dropping his kegs at every opportunity. Luv n
Peace and Stay Safe
ps. how are you Pal?
Tommy Tank
Wow.. Dark Encounter .....don't ask me to
explain. ..just watch 23:35 Scott Chuckle
Fuck! Is there not a social media you don't
put this poison on! 12:28
MAY 3, 2020
Tommy Tank
Winton Chuckle
Thought the boys deserved to see this one
Video 11:38 12:29
Ps wait till you see front page of the Sun
tomorrow 12:30
Scott Chuckle
Keith Bawbag
Tommy Tank
Dode the Sodge
Scott Chuckle ya fuckin radge 12:50