P. 14


                                                  Let’s Discussion

                                                Picture 2. Indonesian food

                        Indonesia  is a country with many  islands, each island has its own
                        special food which is certainly very delicious. Today's discussion is

                        to  make  three  lists  of  foods  typical  of  each  island  in  Indonesia.
                        Students will be divided into several groups with four members in

                        each  group.  After  making  the  list,  students  are  asked  to  read  it  in
                        front of the class.


                                 Let's practice making your own food recipes

                                                      Picture 3. Chef

                    Write down one of your favorite foods, then write down what ingredients

                    are  needed  for  that  food  and  how  to  make  it.  When  you  have  finished

                    making lists and recipes, you are asked to come forward one by one to read

                    them. Happy working everyone

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