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                       This book is a series of teaching materials designed for student to use in self-study.

               This book will help and provide a meaningful learning experience for student to achieve the
               intended competency independently.

                       As  teaching  materials,  the  main  elements  of  this  book  consist  of  (a)  learning

               objectives, (b) learning activities, and (c) evaluation.  Learning objectives are the target of
               mastering the intended competencies in learning.  Learning activities in the form of activities

               that student will do in order to gain meaningful learning experiences in achieving learning
               goals.  Evaluation is the process of determining the suitability between learning processes and

               outcomes with learning objectives.  In this case, the evaluation aims to provide training while

               at the same time measuring the level of competence achieved by student in accordance with
               the learning objectives set at the beginning of the book.

                       Self-study is an active learning process that student will do using this book.  In active
               learning, it is necessary to encourage student intention or motive to master the competencies

               set  at  the  beginning  of  the  book.    The  main  goal  in  self-learning  is  that  student  can  gain
               predetermined competencies and gain independence in learning.

                       The  learning  strategies  in  this  book  facilitate  meaningful  learning  experiences.    In

               addition  to  acquiring  the  main  competencies,  namely  the  competencies  defined  in  the
               learning  objectives,  student  will  also  gain  learning  experiences  related  to  character

               development,  literacy,  critical  thinking,  creativity,  collaboration  and  effective

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