Page 3 - Nelson final project deliverable
P. 3

Theory of Change: Organizational Learning

                                           Senge  (2004) describes organizational learning as occurring in two ways.
                                           The first method is through continuous improvement. The second method is
                                           through a foundational shift in organizational thinking that leads to a
                                           change in overall organizational culture.  The goal of the key recommenda-
                                           tions and accompanying logic plan is to utilize continuous improvement to
                                           enact a long-term shift in organizational priorities and culture so that EDI is
                                           embedded into the fabric of the school’s driving mission and tenets.

         Timeline for Implementation

                                            Month 3              Month 5
                                     * Identify potential donors   * Make contact with   Months 7-9
                                     for scholarship initiative   potential community   * Recruit potential
                       Month 1       * Create EDI Team (EDIT)   partners         students through
                 * Gather needed data   and set committee goals   * Meet with stakeholders   community partner-
                 * Identify key campus   * Identify potential commu-  regarding necessary   ships
                 players in EDI      nity partners          family supports

                              Month 2               Month 4               Month 6            Months 10-12
                         *Review admissions     * Approach potential   * Roll out draft family   * Take potential stu-
                         policies for potential   scholarship donors   support program   dents through the ad-
                         bias                   * Task EDIT with      plans              missions process with
                         * Create admissions    family support pro-                      help from support team
                         policy handbook        gram                                     and EDIT
                                                                                         * Gather appropriate

                Year 2-3
                * Monitor diversity dashboard, looking at application rates, enrollment numbers, retention numbers, and support initiatives

             Key Recommendations for Change

             In order to attract and enroll a more diverse student population, Trinity must change its recruitment and
             admissions process and begin to target the type of student it hopes to attract. Evidence-based strategies
             that uphold the commitment to diversity must take center-stage.

               Critically evaluate existing admissions practices and embrace novel approaches (Young, 2017, p. 88).
               Create a standing EDI Committee/Team of stakeholders who meet regularly to use data to identify un-
                 derrepresented groups (Harrison et al, 2013).
               Target specific areas from which to recruit potential school families that embraces EDI (Young, 2017;
                 Ford, 2016). Build relationships with other Protestant churches in the area to help identify possible
                 quality applicants.
               Critically review existing financial aid opportunities and identify funding-specific sources of scholarship
                 monies (Squire, King, & Trinidad, 2019). Ensure those monies are earmarked for diversity growth.
               Create a family support team to provide help and support to new diverse families (Ford, 2016, p. 107;
                 Eshoo, 2015). It is critical that new families have a support system in place as they navigate the private
                 school world, possibly for the first time.
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