Page 4 - Nelson final project deliverable
P. 4

Logic Model

                      The logic model identifies the involved stakeholders and materials as Inputs. Activities are the
                      actions these stakeholders will engage in during the process. These activities produce Outputs or
                      products created as a result of the activities. Short-term and Long-term Outcomes are the results
                      of those products in action or changes in knowledge or perception that occur as a result. All of
                      these will work together to have an overall Impact to the school.

                                                     LOGIC MODEL

                                                                            SHORT-TERM              LONG-TERM
             INPUTS              ACTIVITIES             OUTPUTS
                                                                               GOALS                   GOALS

                                Review of Admis-      Admissions Best      Increase number of     Increase number of
          Leadership, Fac-      sions Policies and    Practices Hand-     diverse applicants by   diverse applicants by
           ulty, and Staff         Guidelines             book               10% in 2 years          20% in 6 years

                               Creadtion of Cam-       Campus EDI         Incororate EDI goals
              Trustees          pus EDI Team and       Team of Staff       into school's vision
                                     Goals            and Volunteers       statement by 2023

                                                                           Identify 5 founding    Increase number of
                               Evaluation of Schol-     Creation of
                                                                          donors for EDI schol-    EDI scholarship do-
          Current Families     arship/Financial Aid   Scholarship Pro-
                                                                           arship initiative by   nors by 40% by year
                                 Opportunities            gram                  2022                      6

                               Selection of 'target
          SAES/NAES/NAIS       rich environments"     Plan to identify/    Increase number of     Increase number of
                                                                                                  diverse students by
                                                      recruit prospec-
                                                                           diverse students by
           Best Practices      for student recruit-    tive students         10% in 2 years          20% in 6 years

                                Evaluation of nec-                                                Incorporate EDI fam-
                                 essary support         Internal EDI       Put EDI family sup-
                                                                                                  ily support plan into
                                structure for mi-     Student Support     port plan into action
                                                                                                   existing policies for
                               nority students and         Plan                by 2022
                                                                                                   all families by 2030

          IMPACT: EDI strategies will become a systemic part of the school's processes, policies, and procedures and not operate as a sep-
                                                  arate entity within the system
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