Page 5 - Nelson final project deliverable
P. 5

Program Evaluation

          Part One

          Part One of the evaluation consists of a series of questions to be asked during and after the process of change as
          well as check points throughout the Activity process to ensure that the program is on task.

                 Essential Questions

                 Are we getting feedback from the people impacted by this plan?
                 Are ALL stakeholders involved in the process?
                 Have we defined who our target audience is?
                 Does our admission policies contain intentional or unintentional bias?
                 Are we locating quality candidates for admission? How?

                 Who sits on the admissions committee?
                 Is EDIT membership diverse?

          Part Two
          Part Two of the evaluation phase is the creation of a diversity dashboard  using NAIS DASL interactive data that pro-
          vides regular data feedback in the form of real numbers that show impact (or lack of impact) of change in student
          population in comparison to the surrounding local area. Part Two cannot occur until Logic Model Activities have been
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