Page 21 - MUJIB100- Magazine on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
P. 21
cÖ‡ek K‡iwQ‡jv|
†iv‡Kqv nj I kvgmybœvnvi n‡jI
of Foreign Affairs Muhammad Zamir, Major Amir Ali, Major
wUGmwm‡Z Zuvey LvwU‡q Iiv wbKUeZ©x
1973. The group included Colonel Khurshid Uddin Ahmed, the Director and Deputy Secretary of the Ministry
Avgiv c~‡e© KLbI ïwbwb|
g~‡j¨ fv‡jvev‡m| Avwg †Kb cvjv‡ev?
of Bangladesh Army that par cipated in a foreign mission for the first me le Bangladesh on 19 October
Ggbme fqsKi I fqven kã, hv
†bZv, c~e©evsjvi gvbyl Avgv‡K cÖv‡Yi
Later Bangladesh also sent 4 tons of tea-leaves with the medical team that went to Egypt and Syria. The team
Rûiæj nK nj †_‡K †f‡m Avm‡Z _v‡K
Avwg cvwK¯Ív‡bi msL¨vMwiô `‡ji
depend on your successful performance. This predic on by the Father of the Na on proved to be accurate.
ivRviev‡M| RMbœv_ nj I mv‡R©›U
direc ves. While concluding, he said: The welfare of the repressed people and the pres ge of Bangladesh
Iiv AvµgY Pvjvq wcjLvbv I
ev¯ÍevwqZ n‡Z †`Bwb|
mission's departure, Bangabandhu invited the 28-member con ngent to his office and issued necessary
wbwe©Pvi MYnZ¨v| Acv‡ikb mvP© jvBU|
Avwg cvwK¯Ívbx‡`i GB cwiKíbvwU
Khurshid Uddin said: Sir, I shall accomplish this mission successfully even at the peril of my life. Before the
¸jxi eRªe„wó| ïiæ nq cvKevwnbxi
Uddin he said affec onately: Khurshid, I am sending you on this tough mission. A er salu ng Bangabandhu,
n‡Zv| Avgvi RbMYI weåvšÍ n‡Zv|
progress. Bangabandhu had great affec on for Khurshid Uddin from that me onwards. Glancing at Khurshid
KiwQj| ZLbB XvKvi AvKv‡k ïiæ nq
wbnZ n‡q‡Qb| Zv‡Z wek¦evmx weåvšÍ
Pakistani intelligence agency ISI had brutally tortured him during interroga ons while the case was in
†Q‡jiv MvQ †K‡U iv¯Ívq †ewi‡KW ˆZwi
gywRe DMÖcš'x AvIqvgx jxMvi‡`i nv‡Z
one of the principal accused in the Agartala Case. He was then a captain and was the accused number 34. The
K‡j‡Ri mvg‡b `uvwo‡q †`LwQjvg--
jx‡Mi Avf¨šÍixY ؇›Øi Kvi‡YB †kL
emo onal on hearing Bangabandhu's words. It may be men oned that Colonel Khurshid Uddin Ahmed was
ïiæ nq| Avwg ZLb AvwRgcy‡i B‡Wb
Ki‡e Ges wek¦evmx‡K ej‡e AvIqvgx
capacity was limited, standing beside the suffering brethren was our duty. Colonel Khurshid became very
Acv‡ikb mvP© jvB‡Ui mk¯¿ AvµgY
Av‡kcv‡kB Iiv Avgv‡K ¸jx K‡i nZ¨v
was therefore our humanitarian obliga on to stand beside them at this cri cal juncture. Although our
hvevi wKQy¶Y ciB, ivZ 11 Uvi w`‡K
cvjv‡bvi mgq ewÎk b¤^‡ii
Uddin Ahmed, and told them that the Middle-Eastern Arab and Muslim countries were in grave danger; it
wVK ZvB| Avcbvi evwo †_‡K †ei n‡q
also called the Army Chief Brigadier Shafiullah and the Director of Army Medical Services Colonel Khurshid
†f‡ewQ‡jv Avwg evwo †Q‡o cvjv‡ev Ges
Zamir and directed him to accompany the medical team a er comple ng all administra ve formali es. He
Avgv‡K nZ¨v Ki‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jv| Iiv
Bangabandhu summoned the Director and Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Muhammad
c~e©m~ix wdì gvk©vj AvBqye Lvb|
Avgv‡K †MÖdZvi Ki‡Z Pvqwb, Iiv
outside the Middle East had taken such a brave decision against powerful America, Europe and Israel.
ej‡Z ïiæ K‡iwQ‡jb Bqvwnqv Lv‡bi
¸jxi gy‡LB †i‡LwQ‡jv--| Iiv wKš'
courageous one that wielded a far-reaching impact. It may be men oned that only a few Muslim countries
‡h A‡¯¿i fvlvq 6 `dvi weiæ‡× K_v
Avwg RvbZvg Iiv me©¶Y Avgv‡K
uncertain es and risks inherent in the situa on. That historic decision taken by Bangabandhu was very
m‡½ A‡¯¿I fvlvq K_v ej‡eb|
†MÖdZvi K‡i|
everything else, Bangabandhu sent the assistance out of humanitarian considera on despite the
evsjvq †Zv bqB,-- Zviv Gevi Avgv‡`i
Avgvi evwo wN‡i †d‡j Ges Avgv‡K
may be noted that many Arab countries had not accorded formal recogni on to Bangladesh ll then. Above
D`©y, cvÄvwe ev Bs‡iRx fvlvq bq,
moral support; a decision was taken to send a team of military doctors for ac vely par cipa ng in the war. It
Zvici wKQy¶‡Yi g‡a¨B cvK‡mbviv
them, he promptly extended support to the Arab countries in their just war. It was not confined to mere
Ges fy‡Æv mv‡neiv Avi Avgv‡`i m‡½
Bangabandhu was always concerned about the repressed people of the world. As he was keen about helping
Avgvi aviYv n‡qwQj-- Bqvwnqv Lvb
weRq AR©b bv-Kiv ch©šÍ jovB Pvwj‡q
war is also known as the 1973 Arab-Israel War, the Ramadan War, etc. The war lasted un l 25 October.
GKUv Akwb ms‡KZ|
nB‡Z weZvwoZ bv-Kiv ch©šÍ Ges P~ovšÍ
Arab-Israeli War had commenced on Saturday, 6 October 1973 at 2.00 pm immediately a er mid-day. This
nVvr P‡j hvIqvUv Avgv‡`i Rb¨ wQj
evwnbxi †kl-‰mb¨wU‡K evsjvi gvwU
Av‡jvPbvi gvSc‡_ Bqvwnqv Lv‡bi H
Avwg e‡jwQjvg "cvwK¯Ívbx `Lj`vi
significant contribu ons by par cipa ng in numerous UN Peacekeeping Missions, such as: UNIIMOG,
†Mvc‡b XvKv Z¨vM K‡iwQ‡jb|
nB‡Z evsjv‡`k ¯^vaxb|"
2008; and the earthquake in Hai in 2010. Besides, the armed forces, the police and civilian staffs have made
bv K‡iB, Avgv‡K wKQy bv Rvwb‡qB
following Tsunami in Sri Lanka and Maldives in 2004; the mission following the cyclone 'Nargis' in Myanmar in
H †NvlYvc‡Î Avwg e‡jwQjvg-- "AvR
Reconstruc on of Kuwait (OKP or Opera on Kuwait Punargathan) in 1990; Opera on SAARC Bandhan
Av‡jvPbvi AvbyôvwbK mgvwß †NvlYv
A‡c¶vq cÖni ¸bwQ‡jv|
through - humanism, efficiency, and un ring efforts. Notable among the peacekeeping missions were:
n¨uv, Bqvwnqv mv‡ne Avgvi m‡½ Pjgvb
UªvÝwgUvi wb‡q Avgvi MÖxb wmMb¨v‡ji
Bangladesh in the interna onal arena by accomplishing their tasks during disasters both at home and abroad
BwcAvi-Gi GKvwaK m`m¨‡K| Zviv
Opera ons since 1988. The armed forces of Bangladesh have helped in crea ng a bright image for
Avcbvi `k©b cvBwb|
Kivi Rb¨ Avwg cÖ¯'Z †i‡LwQjvg
Bangladesh Armed Forces and Bangladesh Police have remained ac vely involved in UN Peacekeeping
wQ‡jb| d‡j H Kvjmܨvq Avwg
Avgvi H ¯^vaxbZvi †NvlYvwU cÖPvi
ma er of pride for us. The armed forces of Bangladesh have been running this program for many years. The
AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© †Mvcb-Av‡jvPbvq e¨¯Í
†NvlYv Kijvg|
stage. The joining and contribu ons of Bangladesh to the United Na ons Peacekeeping Missions have been a
welfare by means of which the door to the infinite poten als of Bangladesh was opened up on the global
Avcwb AvIqvgx jx‡Mi †bZv‡`i m‡½
g‡a¨B Avwg evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbZv
regions of the globe. Consequently, he took such a mely humanitarian decision in October 1973 for human
evwoi wfZ‡ii †Kv‡bv GKwU K‡¶
Avwg© †µKWvDb ïiæ nIqvi wKQy¶‡Yi
mindset of this great leader. He had tremendous sympathy and affec on for the suffering masses in different
Avcwb N‡ii evB‡i †ewi‡q Av‡mbwb|
wek¦evmx Zv †`LyK, RvbyK|
against the powerful Pakistani military force because of the foresight, love for his people, intellect, and
`jxq Kg©x‡`i m‡½ K_v ejvi Rb¨
Suvwc‡q co‡e| Avwg PvBwQjvg,
occasion of his birth centenary. Deprived of their rights, the repressed Bangalis could emerge victorious
wKš' H w`b †`k-we‡`‡ki mvsevw`K I
Avgvi wbi¯¿ gvby‡li Ici wnsmª nv‡qbvi g‡Zv
I recall with reverence the Father of the Na on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on the auspicious
AvwgI Avcbvi evwo‡Z G‡mwQjvg|
Kv‡Q ¶gZv n¯ÍvšÍi bv K‡i--
Avkvq 25 gv‡P©i mܨvq A‡b‡Ki g‡Zv
msm` wbe©vP‡b Rqx AvIqvgx jx‡Mi
Lt. Col. (Retd.) Quazi Sajjad Ali Zahir Bir Pro k
e½eÜy, Avcbvi m‡½ mv¶vr Kivi
RvšÍv I Zv‡`i mn‡hvMx fy‡Æv RvZxq
e¨_© n‡q cvwK¯Ív‡bi gv_v‡gvUv mvgwiK
Interna onal Arena leading to Future Journey of Bangladesh in this Field
wbg©‡j›`y ¸Y
Avgv‡K 6 `dv †_‡K Pyj cwigvY Ujv‡Z
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's Ini a ve on Humanitarian Service in
e½eÜyi GKwU AcÖKvwkZ mv¶vrKvi
Avwg RvbZvg, Av‡jvPbvq