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                                          9) Darling JD, McCallum JC, Soden PA, et al. Predictive
                                          ability of the society for vascular surgery wound,
                                          ischemia, and foot Infection (WIfI) classification system
                                          after first-time lower extremity revascularizations. J Vasc
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                                          10) Conte MS, Mills JL, Bradbury AW, et al. Implementing
                                          global chronic  limb-threatening ischemia  guidelines in
                                          clinical practice: utility of the society for vascular surgery
                                          threatened limb classification system (WIfI). J Vasc Surg
                                          2020;72:1451–1452. doi: 10.1016/j.jvs.2020.06.049.
                                          11) Andersen JC, Leong BV, Gabel JA, Murga AG, Patel ST,
                                          Abou-Zamzam AM Jr, Teruya TH, Bianchi C. Conservative
                                          Management of Non-Infected Diabetic Foot Ulcers
                                          Achieves Reliable Wound Healing and Limb Salvage in the
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                                          2021:S0890-5096(21)00938-9. doi:
        A Summary of Guidelines for the Treatment of Cancer-Associated Thrombosis                             07
                                                          Long term       Optimal            Incidental/
           Guideline       Initial Anticoagulation      Anticoagulation   Duration         Recurrent VTE
         International   Once-daily LMWH regimen (or twice   DOACs or LMWH  6 months     Recurrent VTE:
         Initiative on   daily if required).               (grade 1A)
         Thrombosis and                                                                  (a) increase LMWH by
         Cancer 2019 6   Rivaroxaban or edoxaban (after                                  20%–25% or switch to DOAC
                         initial LMWH/UFH for 5 days if CrCl
                         ≥30 mL/min and patient is not at                                (b) for DOACs, switch to LMWH
                         high risk of GI or GU bleeding (grade
                         1B))                                                            (c) for VKAs, switch to LMWH or
                         UFH (when LMWH or DOACs are
                         contraindicated or not available
                         (grade 2C))
                         Fondaparinux (if CrCl ≥30 mL/min
                         (grade 2D)).
         National        Rivaroxaban (category 2A)                         At least      Incidental PE: Treated similarly
         Comprehensive   (preferred over LMWH for patients               3 months of     to symptomatic PE (category
         Cancer Network   without GI malignancies)                       therapy or for   2A).
         2020 7                                                          as long as the
                         Apixaban (category 1)                            cancer is      Recurrent VTE on UFH: HIT,
                                                                           active or     antiphospholipid syndrome
                         Edoxaban after at least 5 days of                undergoing     (check UFH anti-Xa level),
                         parenteral anticoagulation                       treatment,     increase dose of UFH, or switch
                         (category 1),                                   whichever is    to LMWH or DOAC (category
                                                                           longer        2B).
                         LMWH (dalteparin category 1)
                         (preferred over DOACs in patients                               Recurrent VTE on LMWH: HIT,
                         with GI malignancies)                                           switch to twice-daily injections
                                                                                         or increase dose, or switch to
                         UFH (category 2B) (preferred for                                fondaparinux or DOAC
                         patients with CrCl <30 mL/min)                                  (category 2B).
                                                                                         Recurrent VTE on fondaparinux:
                                                                                         HIT or switching to UFH, LMWH,
                                                                                         or DOAC (category 2B).

                                                                                         Recurrent VTE on warfarin:
                                                                                         Switch to LMWH, UFH,
                                                                                         fondaparinux, or DOAC
                                                                                         (category 2B).

                                                                                         Recurrent VTE on DOAC: Switch
                                                                                         to LMWH or fondaparinux
                                                                                         (category 2B).

         Spanish Society   Rivaroxaban (if bleeding risk is low   DOACs and  6 months    Incidental VTE: Treated similarly
         of Medical      and no significant drug-drug        LMWH                         to symptomatic VTE (grade 1B).
         Oncology 2018 8  interactions)(grade 1B).
                                                                                         Recurrent VTE in patients on
                         LMWH (grade 1B).                                                VKA or prophylactic or
                                                                                         intermediate doses of LMWH
                         UFH and fondaparinux (grade 1B).                                (grade 2B): Therapeutic LMWH

                                                                                         Recurrent VTE on therapeutic
                                                                                         LMWH: Increase LMWH dose
                                                                                         25% or switch to DOAC (grade

                                                                                         Recurrent VTE on DOAC: Switch
                                                                                         to LMWH or increase DOAC
                                                                                         dose to therapeutic dose if
                                                                                         subtherapeutic doses were
                                                                                         being used (grade 3C).

        Abbreviations: CrCl, creatinine clearance; DOAC, direct oral anticoagulant; GI, gastrointestinal; GU, genitourinary; HIT, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia; IVC, inferior vena
        cava; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin; PE, pulmonary embolism; UFH, unfractionated heparin; ULN, upper limit of normal range; VKA, vitamin K antagonist;
        VTE, venous thromboembolism
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