Page 107 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 107

Special Education

               Courses for Hearing Impaired Students

               English Resource                                   study skills and acceptance of responsibility

               Grades 9-12                                        for learning are emphasized. Remedial
               Course Number 772                                  instruction and strategies to compensate for
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        deficit skill areas are taught through the use
               Prerequisite:  Program Admission                   of content and/or supplemental materials.
               Estimated Fee:  None                               Supportive services include individual and

               This course is designed to teach and               small group instruction, and assistance in
                                                                  preparing for and taking tests.  The Learning
               reinforce oral and written language with           Center teachers maintain communication
               objectives and goals covering all aspects of       with classroom teachers and keep students
               language:  semantic (vocabulary), syntactic        informed of their progress.  Students work to
               (grammatical), and pragmatic (functional
               use) skills.  An appreciation of literature will   achieve individual IEP goals

               be encouraged through a variety of
               resources. Both the Reading and Writing            Mathematics Fundamentals
               Common Core Ohio Extended Standards are            Grades 9-12
               addressed within the curriculum of this            Course Number 876
               class.                                             Full Year Course - 1 credit
                                                                  Prerequisite:  Program Admission
                                                                  Estimated Fee:  None
               Learning Center

               Grades 9-12                                        This course gives students the foundation
               Course Number 896                                  which will allow them to be successful with
               Full Year Course – No credit                       an algebra curriculum.  Its content includes
               Prerequisite:  Program Admission                   number sense fractions, decimals,
               Estimated Fee:  None                               percentages, integers, patterns, proportional
                                                                  reasoning, and percents.  Mathematics
               Learning Center provides an opportunity for        Fundamentals works to prepare the students
               students to receive supportive services in
               academic classes.  The goal is to help             to move to the Algebra 1 course.  Topics
                                                                  covered include patterns, proportional
               students experience success at the high            reasoning, direct variation, linear equations,
               school and benefit more fully from the             functions and inequalities.  A scientific
               classroom experience.  The acquisition of
                                                                  calculator is required for this course.

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