Page 102 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 102
Social Studies
AP United States History Current World Issues
Grades 11-12 Grades 10-12
Course Number 259 Course Number 274
Full Year Course - 1 credit Semester Course - 0.5 credit
Prerequisite: Recommendation Prerequisite: None
Estimated Fee: $22.00 and A.P. Test Registration Estimated Fee: None
Recommended For: College Bound Recommended For: College Bound/Technical
Career: A,P Education
Career: B,E,H,P
With recommendations from and the
approval of the College Board, the Advanced The purpose of Current World Issues is to
Placement Unites States History course work provide a framework for students to study
models a first semester college course in US and understand the ongoing political
History. problems the world community is
The Advanced Placement United States experiencing today. It is an attempt to show
History course prepares students for the the study of international relations as an
Advanced Placement examination offered in introduction to the art and science of the
May. This course is designed to acquaint survival of mankind. Current World Issues
the students with an in-depth account of will expose the students to the global
United States History from colonial time condition of the world in the later twentieth
through the administration of Richard century. It will first attempt to get a
Nixon. Emphasis is placed on different “handle” on how world diplomacy
interpretations of American history and developed before World War II and the
development of skills in working with radical changes that have taken place in
statistical data, charts, graphs, maps, world diplomacy in the post-World War II
documents, and pictorial evidence of era. Secondly, all the regional areas will be
historical events. Students will improve studied with a look at present problems and
skills in essay composition, assessment of the role the super power plays in them.
historical materials—their relevance, Finally, the course will look to the future
reliability, and importance—as well as and possible solutions.
develop an awareness of the
interrelationship between social, economic,
political, and international events in
American history. Students enrolled in this
course are required to take the A.P. exam in