Page 97 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 97

Social Studies

               historical   evidence.   This    course   is       AP World History
               recommended  for  all  students  planning  to      Grade 10
               enroll  in  future  Social  Studies  Advanced      Course Number 249
               Placement offerings. Emphasis on the skills        Full Year Course - 1 credit
               and  knowledge  needed  to  pass  the  end  of     Prerequisite:  Recommendation
               course exam will also be a major focus of the      Estimated Fee:  $18.50 and A.P. Test Registration
               course.                                            Recommended For:  College Bound
                                                                  Career:  CORE

               The  curriculum  in  these  courses  will  be      With recommendations from and the
               combined  to  draw  natural  connections           approval of the College Board, the Advanced
               throughout the year.                               Placement World History course work
                                                                  models a semester college course in World
               World History                                      History.

               Grade 10                                           It is a course that fulfills the World History
               Course Number 241                                  credit requirement required by the State of
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        Ohio for graduation.  The purpose of the AP
               Prerequisite: None                                 World History course is to develop greater
               Estimated Fee: $11.00
               Recommended For: College Bound/Technical           understanding of the evolution of global
               Education                                          processes and contacts in different types of
               Career: CORE                                       human societies. This understanding is
                                                                  advanced through a combination of factual
               This course examines world events from 1600        knowledge and analytical skills. The course
               to the present.  It explores the impact of the     highlights the nature of changes in global
               democratic and industrial revolutions, the         frameworks and their causes and
               forces that led to world domination by             consequences, as well as comparisons
               European powers, the wars that changed             among major societies. It emphasizes
               empires, the ideas that led to independence        relevant factual knowledge, leading
               movements and the effects of global                interpretive issues, and skills in analyzing
               interdependence.   Focus is placed on Western      types of historical evidence. Specific themes
               civilization with an emphasis on cultural,         provide further organization to the course,
               philosophical, artistic, economic, social and      along with consistent attention to contacts
               political growth. The last nine weeks detail the   among societies that form the core of world
               world since 1945, the role of the U.S., the end    history as a field of study.  Students enrolled
               of the USSR, and the North-South economic
               confrontations. The concepts of historical         in this course are required to take the A.P.
               thinking introduced in earlier grades continue     exam in May.
               to build with students locating and analyzing
               primary and secondary sources from multiple        This course is recommended for students
               perspectives to draw conclusions.                  planning on taking AP United States
                                                                  History, AP European History, and AP
                                                                  United States Government and Politics.

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