Page 96 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 96

Social Studies

               Required Social Studies Courses

               United States History in the                       improvement in essay composition, analysis
               20  Century                                        and interpretation of original source
                                                                  materials, as well as assessing the relevance,
               Grade 9                                            reliability, and importance of other types of
               Course Number 231                                  historical evidence.  This course is
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        recommended for all students planning to
               Prerequisite:  None
               Estimated Fee:  $20.00                             enroll in future Social Studies Advanced
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          Placement offerings.  Emphasis on the skills
                 Education                                        and knowledge needed to pass the end of
               Career:  CORE                                      course exam will also be a major focus of
                                                                  the course.
               United States History is a selective in-depth
               study of the United States’ social, cultural,
               intellectual, political, and economic              United States History
               development which will lead the student to a       Honors with English 1
               better understanding of his/her society.  A
               combination of a chronological and topical         Honors
               approach is used to analyze the following          Grade 9
               aspects of American culture with the major         Course Number CC139
                                                                  Full Year Course - 1 credit
               focus on post-Civil War America:  (1)              Prerequisite:  Recommendation
               democracy and the Constitution of the              Estimated Fee:  $20.00
               United States, (2) politics and political          Recommended For:  College Bound
               change, (3) urban-industrial America, (4) the      Career:  CORE
               labor movement in the U.S., (5) minority
               groups in a pluralistic society, (6) foreign       Introduction   to   Literature   Study   and
               relations, and (7) facing the future.              Composition    Honors    covers   areas   of
               Emphasis on the skills and knowledge               composition,  grammar,  oral  communication,
               needed to pass the end of course exam will         and literature, as does all ninth grade English.
               be a major focus of the course.                    The honors class, however, is both accelerated
                                                                  and  enriched  with  regard  to  content,  thus
                                                                  covering  more  material  with  more  depth.    In
                                                                  addition, students are expected to demonstrate
               United States History in the                       in  their  writing  a  greater  degree  of

               20  Century Honors                                 sophistication in content and style.  Moreover,
               Grade 9                                            students are expected to work independently and
                                                                  be motivated intrinsically.
               Course Number 239
               Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Prerequisite:  Recommendation                      U.S. History in the 20th Century Honors is a
               Estimated Fee:  $20.00                             more  rigorous  and  in-depth  study  of  the
               Recommended For:  College Bound                    material covered in the regular U.S. History
               Career:  CORE                                      class.  Emphasis  will  be  placed  on
                                                                  improvement in essay composition, analysis
               U.S. History in the 20  Century Honors is a        and  interpretation  of  original  source
               more rigorous and in-depth study of the            materials, as well as assessing the relevance,
               material covered in the regular U.S. History       reliability, and importance of other types of
               class.  Emphasis will be placed on

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