Page 101 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 101

Social Studies

               AP European History                                AP Psychology
               Grades 11-12                                       Grades 11-12
               Course Number 279                                  Course Number 278
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        Full Year Course – 1 credit
               Prerequisite:  Recommendation                      Prerequisite: Recommendation
               Estimated Fee: $22.00 and A.P. Test Registration   Estimated Fee: $22.00 and AP Test Registration
               Recommended For:  College Bound                    Recommended For: College Bound
               Career:  A,P                                       Career: A, B, H, P

               With recommendations from and the                  With recommendations from and the
               approval of the College Board, the Advanced        approval of the College Board, the Advanced
               Placement European History course work             Placement Psychology course work models a
               models a semester college course in                first semester college course in Psychology.
               European History.                                  This course follows guidelines set by the
               As the name implies, this course centers on        The AP Psychology course is designed to
               European history and concentrates on the           introduce students to the systematic and
               time period from 1450 to the present.              scientific study of the behavior and mental
               Emphasis is placed on different                    processes of human beings and other
               interpretations of European history and            animals.  Students are exposed to the
               development of skills in working with              psychological facts, principles, and
               statistical data, charts, graphs, maps,            phenomena associated with each of the
               documents, and pictorial evidence of               major subfields within psychology.  Topics
               historical events.  Students will improve          include the biological basis of behavior,
               skills in essay composition assessment of          sensation and perception, altered states of
               historical materials—their relevance,              consciousness, learning and memory, testing
               reliability and importance—as well as              and intelligence, motivation and emotions,
               develop an awareness of the                        developmental psychology, personality
               interrelationship between social, economic,        theories, abnormal behavior and social
               political and international events in              psychology.
               European history. Students enrolled in this
               course are required to take the A.P. exam in

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