Page 58 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 58


               Elective Course Offerings

               Advantage English 1                                Creative Writing 1, 2, and 3

               Grade 9                                            Grades 10-12
               Course Number 134                                  Course Number 184, 185 or 186
               Full Year Course – No Credit                       Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Prerequisite – Recommendation                      Prerequisite:  English teacher recommendation
               Estimated Fee – None                               Estimated Fee:  None
               Recommended For:  Supplemental Support             Recommended For:  College Bound
                                                                  Career:  A, B, E, P
               The  Advantage  English  1  course  provides
               support for identified students who need           Creative Writing is an elective English course
               more development  in  literacy  skills  and are    open  to  students  in  grades  10-12  who  take
               not receiving other intervention services.  The    pleasure  in  experimenting  with  the  written
               class  is  aligned  with  the  English  Language   word.  The course is designed to give creative
               Arts  State  Standards  for  9   grade  with  an   students an outlet for imaginative expression
               emphasis on individual skill development in        of  ideas  and  thoughts.    Students  gain
               reading    comprehension      and    written       experience  in  creating  short  stories,  poems,
               communication.    This  class  is  a  half-period   and essays as well as partake of other class-
               taken opposite lunch.                              related creative experiences.  The goal of each
                                                                  student in class should be to meet all of the
               Advantage English 2                                required assignments of the class and submit

               Grade 10                                           as  much  original  work  as  possible  for
               Course Number 144                                  entry/publication in student writing contests
               Full Year Course – No Credit                       and the student publication Voices Magazine.
               Prerequisite – Recommendation                      Evaluations are based upon collections within
               Estimated Fee – None                               individual  portfolios,  workshop  leadership,
               Recommended For:  Supplemental Support             and  intrinsic  motivation.    All  students  in
                                                                  Creative Writing are expected to serve on the
               The  Advantage  English  2  course  provides       staff  of  Voices,  our  school  literacy/arts
               support for identified students who need more
               development  in  literacy  skills  and  are  not   magazine.  Students taking the course for the
                                                                  second  or  third  time  shall  design  written
               receiving  other  intervention  services.    The   projects  evincing  growth  in  prose/poetry  as
               class  is  aligned  with  the  English  Language   well as maturity of style.
               Arts  State  Standards  for  10   grade  with  an
               emphasis on individual skill development in
               reading    comprehension      and    written
               communication.    This  class  is  a  half-period
               taken opposite lunch.

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