Page 60 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 60
Reading and Writing
Grades 9-10
Course Number 789
Semester Course - 0.5 credit-1 credit
Prerequisite: Program Admission
Estimated Fee: None
This course is designed to provide remediation
to identified students who are simultaneously
enrolled in English 9 (English 10). Students
will receive instruction in decoding skills,
vocabulary development, and comprehension
strategies that is aligned with the English
9 (English 10) curriculum. In addition the
course will provide a strong foundation for
written communication. Students will learn to
plan, organize and compose multi-paragraph
essays with sufficient supporting
details. Revision strategies will be taught as
part of the writing process. Instruction in
written communication will also be aligned
with the English 9 (English 10) curriculum.