Page 87 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 87


               10 Biology Self-Paced                              solids and water.  Note:  A non-
               Grade 10                                           programmable, scientific calculator is
               Course Number SP441                                necessary for the many mathematical
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        calculations that are required.
               Prerequisite: 9 Physical Science
               Estimated Fee:  $25.00
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
                 Education                                        AP Chemistry [Year 1]
               Career:  CORE                                      Grades10-11
                                                                  Course Number 447
               10 Biology is a broad-based survey of the          Full Year Course - 1 credit
               study of life.  The course emphasizes the          Prerequisite:  Grade of A or B in Physical Science
               seven themes in Biology:  cellular structure         and Biology or complete Honors Biology, and
                                                                    Teacher Recommendation
               and function, reproduction, metabolism,            Estimated Fee:  $20.00
               homeostasis, heredity, evolution and               Recommended For:  College Bound
               interdependence.  Inquiry learning,                Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P
               laboratory and field experiences, as well as
               the use of technology are utilized to teach        With recommendations from and the
               Biology concepts.  This course satisfies the       approval of the College Board, the Advanced
               high school requirement for a life science.        Placement Chemistry course work models a
                                                                  first semester first year college course in
               Chemistry                                            This is the first of a two-year sequence for
               Grades 11-12
               Course Number 451                                  Advanced Placement Chemistry.  It helps
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        prepare the student for the Advanced
               Prerequisite:  9 Physical Science, 10 Biology, or   Placement exam to be taken upon
                 Honors Biology and Taking/Completed              completion of the AP Chemistry [Year 2]
                 Mathematics 2                                    class during his/her junior or senior year.
               Estimated Fee:  $20.00
               Recommended For:  College Bound                    The course is designed to approximate the
               Career:  CORE                                      first semester of a first-year college
                                                                  chemistry course.  Topics to be covered
               Chemistry deals with all of the substances         include:  introduction to matter and
               that make up our environment and the               measurements; atoms, molecules, and ions;
               changes that take place in these substances.       chemical stoichiometry, formulas, and
               Students are introduced to chemistry as a          equations; aqueous reactions and solution
               science and discuss matter and its changes.        stoichiometry; thermo chemistry; electronic
               Once these basic concepts are understood, a        structure of atoms; the periodic table;
               more detailed study is begun with topics           chemical bonding; molecular geometry;
               such as atomic structure, classification of        gases; intermolecular forces, liquids, solids;
               elements, the periodic table, chemical             and properties of solutions.  Appropriate lab
               bonding, and chemical formulas.  The               experiments are incorporated into the
               interaction of substances is further expanded      course.  Students should have a strong
               to include chemical equations and mass             commitment to completing the two-year
               relationships in chemical reactions.  Course       sequence.
               study also includes the phases of matter,
               including topics of the gas laws, molecular
               composition of gases, and a study of liquids,

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