Page 90 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 90


               Elective Science Courses

                                                                  course is issue based, making it more
               AP Biology
               Grades 10-12                                       appealing to those students who do not plan
               Course Number 468                                  a major in science at the college level.  The
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        course does delve into the scientific reasons
               Prerequisite:  Grade of B or better in Biology and   behind environmental problems making it of
                 concurrent with Chemistry.                       interest to those students planning a career
               Estimated Fee:  $25.00 and A.P. Test Registration
               Recommended For:  College Bound Students           in the sciences.  Emphasis is placed on data
                 majoring in the sciences                         manipulation, science report writing, and
               Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P                               debating issues based on scientific fact
               AP+PLTW Pathway Course                             rather than myth.  The students are expected
                                                                  to produce college-level work during the
               With recommendations from and the                  class.  Students enrolled in this course are
               approval of the College Board, the Advanced        required to take the A.P. exam in May.
               Placement Biology course work models a
               first year college course in Biology.
                                                                  Environmental Science
               As a general survey course, topics covered
               included the cell, biochemistry, molecular         Grades 11-12
               biology, classification, evolution and             Course Number 452
                                                                  Full Year Course - 1 credit
               ecology.  Laboratory experiments reinforce         Prerequisite:  9 Physical Science, 10 Biology

               and approximate college lab curriculum.            Estimated Fee:  $15.00
               Students enrolled in this course are required      Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
               to take the A.P. exam in May.                        Education
                                                                  Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P

                                                                  Environmental Science provides students
               AP Environmental Science                           with the scientific principles, concepts, and

               Grades 10-12                                       methodologies required to understand the
               Course Number 467                                  interrelationships of the natural world.
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        Students can explore actual case studies and
               Prerequisite:  Completed Biology with a grade B or
                 above, and successful completion of 9 Physical   conduct hands-on activities to identify and
                 Science or concurrent with Chemistry             analyze environmental problems both
               Estimated Fee:  $15.00 and A.P. Test Registration   natural and man-made, to evaluate the
               Recommended For:  College Bound                    relative risks associated with these
               Career:  E,F,H,P                                   problems, and examine alternative solutions
               AP+PLTW Pathway Course
                                                                  for resolving and/or preventing them. The
               With recommendations from and the                  course includes interactions between
               approval of the College Board, the Advanced        humans and the Earth; ecosystems,
               Placement Environmental Science course             environmental factors, biological evolution,
               work models a one semester, non-science            populations, diversity; matter and energy,
               major college course.                              relationships; human interactions with
                                                                  science and technology, understanding
               The course explores the scientific principles      technology; research, science and society;
               involved in environmental issues.  The             application of science processes, and
                                                                  techniques and research.

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