Page 89 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 89
mechanics, which includes the study of AP Physics II
forces and motion. Other topics to be Grade 12
studied include kinetic theory, waves, sound, Course Number 470
light, and electricity. Note: A scientific Full Year Course - 1 credit
calculator is necessary for the many Prerequisite: AP Physics I
mathematical calculations that are required. Estimated Fee: $10.00 and A.P. Test Registration
Recommended For: College Bound
Career: A,B,E,F,H,P
The curriculum in these courses will be AP+PLTW Pathway Course
combined to draw natural connections
throughout the year. With recommendations from and the
approval of the College Board, the Advanced
AP Physics I Placement Physics II course work models a
Grade 11-12 second semester college course in algebra-
Course Number 469 based physics.
Full Year Course - 1 credit
Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation and The course uses Newtonian mechanics,
Mathematics 3 or above
Estimated Fee: $10.00 and A.P. Test Registration work, energy, and power to expand on the
Recommended For: College Bound topics of fluid mechanics; thermodynamics;
Career: A,B,E,F,H,P electricity and magnetism; electrical circuits;
AP+PLTW Pathway Course optics as well as atomic and nuclear physics.
An understanding of the basic principles
With recommendations from and the involved and the ability to apply these
approval of the College Board, the Advanced principles to a variety of problems,
Placement Physics I course work models a especially in the laboratory environment, are
first semester college course in algebra-based the major goals of the course. To this end a
mechanics. significant portion of the course
The course provides a systematic (approximately 35-40%) will be devoted to
introduction to the main principles of laboratory work with a focus on inquiry
mechanics. The course covers Newtonian based labs. Knowledge of algebra and
mechanics (including rotational dynamics trigonometry is required although the basic
and angular momentum); work, energy, and ideas of calculus may be introduced in
power; and mechanical waves and sound. It connection with some physical concepts.
will also introduce electric circuits. An Students enrolled in this course are required
understanding of the basic principles to take the A.P. exam in May
involved and the ability to apply these
principles to a variety of problems,
especially in the laboratory environment, are
the major goals of the course. To this end a
significant portion of the course
(approximately 35-40%) will be devoted to
laboratory work with a focus on inquiry
based labs. Knowledge of algebra and
trigonometry is required although the basic
ideas of calculus may be introduced in
connection with some physical concepts.
Students enrolled in this course are required
to take the A.P. exam in May.