Page 136 - Course Catalog 2019-2020 (updated 2-4-19)
P. 136

Technical Education

               If available bring a resume and a headshot or school   3 credits each year
               photo,  a  letter  of  recommendation  from  a  theatre,
               drama or music program student has attended and a   3 credits through Lakeland Community College
               character reference to your interview.             12 credits through Kent State University
                                                                  3 CT2 credits
               The  Academy  for  the  Performing  Arts  is  a  college
               preparatory  program  for  high  school  juniors  and   Career: A
               seniors.  Juniors  attend  in  the  morning  session  and
               seniors attend the afternoon session. The Academy is   The expectation in Studio Art & Design is to prepare
               an  accredited,  half-day  high  school  program  which   self  -motivated,  creative  students  for  careers  in  the
               takes  place  during  school  hours.  The  program  will   visual arts by developing a comprehensive portfolio
               consist  of  acting,  theatre,  movement,  voice  for  the   for college acceptance. The program aims to prepare
               stage  and  tech  theatre  training  and  performance   students  to  be,  College  &  Career  Ready.  All  art
               education.  This will include daily acting classes, plus   students will be introduced to the multiple careers in
               classes in voice, movement, musical theatre, technical   the visual arts through the use of social media, guest
               theatre, stage combat, makeup, history, vocal training,
               and  audition  labs.  The  acting  class  will  consist  of   speakers, class instruction and our own professional
               sessions of improvisation, scene study, Shakespeare,   networking resource, “ARTatWORK”.
               Styles physical technique, acting for the camera and
               two years studying Stanislavski technique.  The voice   Curriculum Expectations
               class  will  include  vocal  exercises,  dialects  and      To  embrace  creative  problem  solving  and
               monologues. Additional workshops led by guest artists     visual  communications  while  developing
               from professional theatre.                                individual expressions within content, image
                                                                         and message.
               Each year the Academy produce up to 8 fully mounted      To  develop  a  personal  philosophy  of  art
               productions and student plays. Juniors are expected to    based  on  aesthetic  theories,  personal
               be  a  part  of  the  Junior  Play  Festival  in  March  and   development and cultural influences.
               seniors are expected to be a part of the Senior Improv      To  design  authentic  learning  related  to
               Show  in  December.    All  other  shows  are  strictly
               extracurricular   and   participation   is   not          multiple careers in art.
               required.   Students  may  audition  for  as  many
               productions as fit their schedule. Students auditioning   CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
               must clear their schedule to accommodate rehearsals   Fine  Art,  Graphic  Design,  Illustration,  Advertising,
               and  productions.  Students  must  provide  their  own   Product  Design,  Animation,  Art  Education,  Art
               transportation to after school and evening events.   History,  Architecture,  Display  Design,  Painting,
                                                                  Interior  Design,  Photography,  Art  Direction,
                Studio Art & Design I & II                        Freelance Artist and Urban Landscape Design.     Fine

               (Orange High School)                               artists create art to satisfy their own personal vision
               College Tech Prep                                  and self-expression and  may  choose to exhibit their
               SAD I                                              work in local, national and international shows. They
               Visual Creation                                    may  also  submit  proposals  for  publicly  funded  art
               Visual Design Primer                               projects  (i.e.  murals),  private  and  corporate
               SAD II                                             commissions,   corporate   collections,   gallery
               Advertising & Communication                        representation  and  museum  collection  purchases.
               Business of Arts & Communications                  Applied artists put their artistic skills and commercial
                                                                  knowledge at the service of multiple clients including
               Prerequisite:  Studio  art  assessment,  portfolio,   local,   national   and   international   businesses,
               reference letter and interview.                    commercial   organizations,   non-profit   groups,
               Interview by the Instructor.  By program start date   corporations with in- house art departments, card/gift
                student must have completed coursework required   industry,  fashion  industry,  industrial  design/product
                for junior status at their home school including seven   industry, retail and  wholesale companies/stores, and
                (7) credits with a mandatory two (2) credits each
                earned in English and Mathematics.                publishing firms.
               Recommended    For:   College   Bound/Technical
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