Page 138 - Course Catalog 2019-2020 (updated 2-4-19)
P. 138

Technical Education


               Cleveland Botanical Garden, Floriculture and Gardening Operations, Landscape and Turf Operations

               These programs are designed to educate the students in practices of commercial horticulture, including ornamental
               landscaping, greenhouse production, public gardening, and floral design.
               Plants provide the basis for our ecosystems and our economies. The curriculum is designed to prepare students for a
               wide  array  of  careers  in  horticulture  by  blending  academics  and  the  technical  subject  areas.  All  programs  are
               considered Tech Prep in which students have the opportunity to earn up to 6 Semester College Credits through an
               articulation agreement with Ashland and Cuyahoga Community College. Students will be required to complete a co-
               op project. Students will have the opportunity to explore post-secondary training in the area of agriculture by visiting
               Cuyahoga Community College, and the Agricultural Technical Institute in Wooster. Students enrolling in the program
               also become members of FFA, and have the opportunity to join the Ohio Nurserymen and Landscapers Association,
               and PLANET. If a student wants to cultivate the gardener side of their career, then they can choose from any of the
               following areas:

               Environmental Education                            Agriculture Career
               Programs                                           Exploration (A.C.E.)

               Grades 10-12                                       (Environmental Education Center)
               College Tech Prep                                  ACE I
               EE I                                               ACE II
               EE II                                              Prerequisite: Interview by Instructor and
               Prerequisite: Interview by Instructor                recommended by Counselor and/or Administrator.
               Recommendations: Good attendance and discipline    Recommended For:  Technical Education
                 record                                           8 Credits each year dependent upon individual
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          student performance.
               3 credits each year                                This  program  offers  10th-12th  grade  students  an
                                                                  exploration  of  the  various  Agriculture  occupations
               6 credits through Cuyahoga Community College       with  emphasis  on  entry  level  job  skills. This  work-
               6 credits through University of Akron              study  program  is  designed  for  selected  students  to
               7 credits through Kent State University            explore careers in Agriculture while getting firsthand
               3 CT2 credits                                      experience in the world of work. Students successfully
               Career: F                                          completing  various  job  shadow  sites  throughout  the
                                                                  school  year  will  have  the  opportunity  to  gain  paid
                                                                  employment. While learning job skills, students will
                                                                  also  gain  knowledge  in  the  areas  of:  employability
                                                                  skills,  positive  work  habits,  communication  and
                                                                  interpersonal  skills,  basic  floral  design,  landscape
                                                                  techniques,  plant  propagation  and  care,  and  general
                                                                  horticulture skills.  Students will have the opportunity
                                                                  to  explore  post-secondary  training  in  the  area  of
                                                                  agriculture by visiting Cuyahoga Community College,
                                                                  and  the  Agricultural  Technical  Institute  in  Wooster.
                                                                  Students enrolling in the program become members of
                                                                  FFA,  and  have  the  opportunity  to  join  the  Ohio
                                                                  Nurserymen  and  Landscapers  Association  and

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