Page 135 - Course Catalog 2019-2020 (updated 2-4-19)
P. 135

Technical Education

               The Medical Assisting program is designed          Technologies  prepares  the  student  to  continue  their
               to prepare students to handle both the             education  in  a  post-secondary  institution  in  the
               clinical duties and administrative                 medical/dental or diagnostic  sciences.  The Medical
               responsibilities in a medical setting.             Technologies student will participate in instructional,
               Students learn anatomy and physiology,             laboratory and clinical experiences designed to equip
               medical office protocol, vital signs, and          the  student  for  direct  patient  care,  diagnostic,
               patient care. Medical terminology, medical         therapeutic and treatment options. As seniors, students
               ethics, office skills, and basic patient care      will  participate  in  a  clinical  experience  in  world
               are included.  Classroom and clinical              renowned health care facilities that will include an in-
               settings offer a variety of opportunities for      depth look at local medical/dental facilities. Students
               learning.                                          must be able to provide their own transportation to the
                                                                  clinical  lab  experience.    Related  subjects  include:
               Medical Technologies I & II                        Lifespan Human Growth and Development, Principles
                                                                  of  Allied  Health,  Patient  Centered  Care  and
               (Mayfield Innovation Center)                       Diagnostics, AHA Healthcare Provider C certification,
               College Tech Prep                                  OSHA  completion,  Infection  Control  and  Risk
               MT I                                               Management,    Human     Relations,   disease
               Principles of Allied Health                        pathology/treatment,   Basic   Electrocardiogram
               Patient Centered Care & Diagnostics                Interpretation and Medical Terminology.
               MT II
               Lifespan Development and Medical Intervention      Performing Arts Academy
               Medical Terminology                                I & II
               Students will receive 1 credit either 1st/2nd semester
               for internship                                     (Chagrin Falls High School)
               SENIOR COURSES ARE SEMESTER                        College Tech Prep
               Med Tech I  3 credits                              PA I
               Med Tech II 4 credits                              Performing Arts Primer
                                                                  Acting & Script Analysis
               Prerequisite:  Interview by Instructor.            PA II
               By program start date student  must  have completed   Acting Performance
               coursework  required  for  junior  status  at  their  home   Stagecraft
               school.  This  includes  seven  (7)  credits  with  a   ALL COURSES ARE FULL YEAR
               mandatory two (2) credits each earned in English and
               Mathematics.                                       Prerequisite: Audition consisting of two
               Students must also have proof of current vaccinations,   contrasting  monologues  or  one  monologue  and  one
               required  blood  titers,  PPD,  seasonal  flu  inoculation,   song, no more than 90 second each. Monologue texts
               criminal background check and be                   and a list of recommended song can be found on the
               in  good  standing  at  home  school  with  regards  to   Academy  Web-site  By
               academics, discipline, and attendance.             program  start  date  student  must  have  completed
               Recommended    For:   College   Bound/Technical    coursework  required  for  junior  status  at  their  home
               Education                                          school including seven (7) credits with a mandatory
                                                                  two  (2)  credits  each  earned  in  English  and
               4 credits through Cuyahoga Community College       Mathematics.
               10 credits through Lakeland Community College      Recommendations:  Good  attendance,  discipline
               9 college credits through University of Akron        record and a passion to be creative.
               3 CT2 credits                                      Recommended For: College Bound/Acting, Singing,
               Career: H, P                                         Performing,  Designing  and  Technical  Theatre
               Medical Technologies is intended for those students   3 credits each year
               who  are  serious  about  an  educational  future  in  the
               medical/dental  sciences.    The  program  prepares   11 credits through Kent State University
               students with an interest in the medical professions to   3 CT2 credits
               develop  the  knowledge,  attitudes,  practices  and   Career: A
               technical  skills  to  obtain  employment  in  medical,
               dental  and  diagnostic  treatment  facilities.  Medical
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