Page 53 - Course Catalog 2019-2020 (updated 2-4-19)
P. 53


               AP English Literature and                         include a mix of world, English, and American
               Composition                                       literature.  Students enrolling in this course are
                                                                 expected to take the AP exam in May.
               Grade 12
               Course Number 169
               Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Prerequisite: Recommendation                      AP English Literature and
               Estimated Fee:  A.P. Test Registration
               Recommended For:  College Bound                   Composition Self-Paced
               Career:  CORE                                     Grade 12
                                                                 Course Number SP169
               With recommendations from and the approval        Full Year Course - 1 credit
               of the College Board, the Advanced Placement      Prerequisite: Recommendation
               English  Literature  and  Composition  course     Estimated Fee:  A.P. Test Registration
                                                                 Recommended For:  College Bound
               work models a college composition class.          Career:  CORE

               The  curriculum  involves  both  the  study  and   With recommendations from and the approval
               practice of writing and the study of literature.    of the College Board, the Advanced Placement
               Composition study will encompass the modes        English  Literature  and  Composition  course
               of  discourse,  rhetorical  strategies  and       work models a college composition class.
               argumentation,  critical  analysis  of  literature,
               and  exposition.    The  study  of  literature  will   The curriculum involves both the study and
               include a mix of world, English, and American     practice of writing and the study of literature.
               literature.  Students enrolling in this course are   Composition study will encompass the modes
               expected to take the AP exam in May.              of discourse, rhetorical strategies and
                                                                 argumentation, critical analysis of literature,
                                                                 and exposition.  The study of literature will
               AP English Literature and                         include a mix of world, English, and

               Composition Option                                American literature.  Students enrolling in
                                                                 this course are expected to take the AP exam
               Grade 12                                          in May.
               Course Number OPT169
               Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Prerequisite: Recommendation
               Estimated Fee:  A.P. Test Registration
               Recommended For:  College Bound
               Career:  CORE

               With recommendations from and the approval
               of the College Board, the Advanced Placement
               English  Literature  and  Composition  course
               work models a college composition class.

               The  curriculum  involves  both  the  study  and
               practice of writing and the study of literature.
               Composition study will encompass the modes
               of  discourse,  rhetorical  strategies  and
               argumentation,  critical  analysis  of  literature,
               and  exposition.    The  study  of  literature  will

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