Page 49 - Course Catalog 2019-2020 (updated 2-4-19)
P. 49


               English 2                                         English 2 Honors
               Grade 10                                          Grade 10
               Course Number 141                                 Course Number 149
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                       Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Prerequisite:  None                               Prerequisite: Recommendation
               Estimated Fee:  None                              Estimated Fee:  None
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical         Recommended For:  College Bound
               Career:  CORE                                     English 2 Honors expands the basic areas of
                                                                 literature and composition covered in the
               English  2  is  a  survey  of  world  literature,   regular World Literature and Composition
               including but not limited to short stories, non-  curriculum and proceeds at a more rapid pace.
               fiction,  novels,  and  drama.    Grammar  and    Greater independence is expected of the
               usage study is included in this course with the   students in their analysis of literature.  In
               goal of improving writing and editing skills.     addition, students are expected to demonstrate
               Composition  centers  on  the  development  of    a greater degree of sophistication in content
               the  four  basic  forms  of  writing  (narrative,   and style in their writing.   Types of
               descriptive,  expository,  and  persuasive)  with   compositions include informational, literary
               an emphasis on developing clearly organized       analysis, argumentative, and narrative.
               and      well-developed      multi-paragraph      Grammar is approached as a means of
               compositions.                                     improving composition.

               English 2 Self-Paced
               Grade 10                                          English 2 Honors with AP
               Course Number SP141
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                       World History
               Prerequisite:  None                               Grade 10
               Estimated Fee:  None                              Course Number CC149
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical         Full Year Course - 2 credits
                 Education                                       Prerequisite: Recommendation  and A.P. Test
               Career:  CORE
               English  2  is  a  survey  of  world  literature,   Estimated Fee:  $18.50
                                                                 Recommended For:  College Bound
               including but not limited to short stories, non-
               fiction,  novels,  and  drama.    Grammar  and    The  curriculum  English  2  Honors  and  AP
               usage study is included in this course with the   World  History  will  be  combined  to  draw
               goal of improving writing and editing  skills.    natural connections throughout the year.
               Composition  centers  on  the  development  of
               the  four  basic  forms  of  writing  (narrative,   English 2 Honors expands the basic areas of
               descriptive,  expository,  and  persuasive)  with   literature and composition covered in the
               an emphasis on developing clearly organized       regular World Literature and Composition
               and      well-developed      multi-paragraph      curriculum and proceeds at a more rapid pace.
               compositions.                                     Greater independence is expected of the
                                                                 students in their analysis of literature.  In
                                                                 addition, students are expected to demonstrate
                                                                 a greater degree of sophistication in content
                                                                 and style in their writing.   Types of
                                                                 compositions include informational, literary
                                                                 analysis, argumentative, and narrative.

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